I’ve been a BeOS user and enthusiast since early '00s. Of course, I use Haiku and test it on regular basis on my hardware as well as in Virtualbox. I have not been a part of the forum, however.
I noticed that the project does not have any mirrors/servers in Europe. I think I could help out in this sphere by donating some server space to the project. The machine would be physically located in Poland.
What are the requirements (space, bandwidth, protocol, etc)?
It think that it depends mainly of what you intend to mirror. If you plan to host releases isos and sigs, requirements are not so big and you have more choices for protocols.
If you plan to act as mirror of haiku or haikuports repos, it’s another story.
I suggest to contact on another channel - with the decision makers. I assume the forum is too universal and widely available for such proposals.
They also reading posts here but maybe your offer remain invisible among many technical requests, development progress, newbies crying out for help and other noises here – related to your topic.
If I were you I would direct contact via e-mail to Be Inc. or at least you should have select category Be Inc. here for your offer to ensure that you hit the best target with your offer.
I hope your offer would finish in succesful event as there is one mirror for ISOs currently in Europe, but in Russia, and if the war escalates further that might be becomes problematic to reach.
In case Nightly images - you are right - there is no possibility to choose location those comes from US locations - you cannot select another source. You may think about that when you wrote ‘only from the US’.
Haikudepot SW repositories for me - in Hungary - seems are mostly from Europe.
Only one - Fatelk - is from Australia (if I know well) that’s why that is hosted there ;-))
Haiku , Haikuports (ported apps), Besly, and LOTE are in Europe.
This way I think you ment that those US only for the ISO images-- especially for the Nightlies for any platforms where they available.
In case supported versions – x86 and x86_64 (Beta4 actually) – there is one exception for direct download : in Russia, as I mentioned above.
As whois command had not implemented yet in Haiku I cannot see who and where hosts packages, so against its domain name the Haiku packages also hosted in the US as well.
traceroute only reveal that it is from a Haiku org machine which can be.
The innocent times of networked people is far over, so it is understandable ;-))
Well we can ping @kallisti5 who is our admin and can handle this.
Mirroring the releases is easy and causes no problems, for the package repositories, we first want to finalize our signature verification system in the package installation tool so that we can make sure the mirrors don’t modify or corrupt packages (intentionally or not).
So @pawel, now you have answer one of the boarding team member …
You can start discussion with @kallisti5 about your offer 's details - to have ISO images downloadable from Poland, Europe too …
Russian location got in option in a similar way earlier if I remember well.
I was reading the forum then without registering here when such offer came from someone from Russia ( sorry I do not remember who was exactly in that case )
@PulkoMandy : you write releases … can those be the nightlies as well ?
17GB I can easily handle. 300GB I’d have to see, as I’d need to pull in some resources and even if that, it would be w/o redundancy.
I’m assuming a package mirror would probably be more useful, however. The #17331 issue can probably be fixed with a soft load balancer and a bash script on the back-end.
Hello @kallisti5
I could also host mirrors for the Haiku downloads if there’s still need for additional servers.
Releases can be hosted on two servers with 1Gbit/s each,made available under the same subdomain,so that we get basic load-balancing,a total of 2Gbit/s bandwidth and redundancy in case on server has issues.
If that mirror turns out to be popular,two additional servers with 400Mbit/s each could be added.
Due to the high storage needs,the package repository could be hosted at one server with a 1Gbit/s connection,no load-balancing and no redundancy.
I know you have more admin stuff recently with other storage related services and love project of Risc V as well … but
what about these offerings ?
I’ve checked recently
¤ the the nightly images download site
and still the ‘US’ option available not any ‘EU’ or ‘PL’
¤ the supported images (x86, x86_64) download page also had not included the Poland option yet.
I do not ask packages – I assume to copy / synchronize them and implement package validation is more effort to complete it with flawlwssness of working as expected aka BAU
However … could you share some infos how it had progressed meantime ?
Could you have some time to test - at least - the new storage spaces with Pawel ( @pawel ) ?
Or discuss about his offer - from @nipos - separately/privately ?
Same here,didn’t receive any reaction from them.
Maybe they have enough resources for now,but in my opinion it would be a clear advantage to have infrastructure prepared for a future growth in user count.
From his message, I understood you need to provide the info they requested ( ip address, links, etc ) and then do the configuration on your side. Was that done ?