I am using Dockbert and am looking for the directions. I can’t seem to figure out how to get into settings. Does it even have settings? I accidentally removed the time display on it and can’t figure out how to get it back.
Anyone??? Bueller? Bueller? Somewhere there is someone who knows Dockbert.
According to the source code there is a Preferences window. Settings live in ~/config/settings/dock_settings
The only screenshot I found on the web is this one:
Thanks I will check out both when I get home. Thanks for the advise guys.
Umm, why? What can be in non-packaged directory if Dockbert itself comes from a package?
I test it, download a older version of R5 from BeShare. Dockbert comes without the Preferences tool.
Again a not good made package of an old beos app.
I can confirm that there is a file at ~config/settings/dock_settings. But there is no Preferences program anywhere on my system for it. Is there one in the souce code at all?
I don’t know… How about someone who knows how to do that stuff do it. How about not giving such a smart ass answer to users.
I don’t know, mate, hopefully somebody will be kind enough to give a link to the sources to you.
I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this was LInux where all the devs expect all the users to compile everything themselves. If that is the case then clearly Haiku isn’t for me as even if I was given the source I would not know how to compile it. So, thanks for nothing.
You asked about the source code, he gave you a link to the source code. Instead of just saying, “Thanks, but I don’t know what I’m reading” you go on the attack. This isn’t the way to get help, or even decent information.
No, I was simply asking the person who looked at the source code if there was even one in there or was it just plain missing. This whole thread was doing just fine till the “go compile it yourself.” started. But, never mind. I’ve had enough of Haiku. So it is a moot point now.
What everybody needs to remember is that there are many people that use English as a second language. And we’re dealing with a text-based communication method. What may come across as curt and rude may have been unintentional just because of unfamiliarity with the language.
I don’t know about the person in question, if it was meant to be intentionally bossy, but it’s something to keep in mind.
Nobody expects that, this is why the HaikuPorts team tries to package everything, so the user only have to install the pre-compiled software packages from HaikuDepot. It is already in the Depot. It have no Preferences, while it should. @Diver pointed you to the sources, and if you open his link, you will see, the whole Dockbar sources are cannibalized, while the logic is there, almost everything is commented out, and not just in that file. I am also not a developer, so maybe i misunderstood something, but from my viewpoint it seems to be deactivated.
Why is it so? Who knows, you can check the github logs, maybe it uses way too much dano or zeta stuff, which is/was not available on Haiku at that time, thus somebody disabled it. Actually it was imported as disabled code here.
Do you expect from us to know the state of every software, even if it was made for BeOS? If so, that would be an unrealistic expectation, sorry.
But to give you an explanation, why i just dropped the “just build it” comment: I came to here, seen your question, didn’t scrolled trough the past comments, just dropped my short comment and went to do my stuff (i did big cleaning today, meh), now you are mad about me, about Haiku, about everything. Don’t do that, being angry is harmful for your health. Relax and enjoy the life.
@extrowerk, you know people (mis)took you for a jerk in the past. You think you could maybe add some emoticon or something before posting, if you don’t mean to be rude?
Aren’t you overreacting a bit here? You got one court reply from one guy, and now the whole Haiku environment is too hostile to become involved?
I hope you re-consider.
Will try my best.
Yes, I over reacted.
Sorry. Have fun cleaning.
Dockbert itself is nice. I like it much, much better than HiDock. At this point I really don’t know/understand why the prefs are not there. But, if someone has the time to take a peek. That would be great. I do not expect anyone to take hours of their time to fix it if it is a mess. But, as I said it is a really nice little program and having the prefs would be helpful.
I’m not a developer, but I had a quick peek. There should be a preferences, but looking through the source, most of it is commented out so I don’t know what kind of functionality it would have.
That first window that shows up when you installs it mentions right-clicking in various places to get settings or more options, but that doesn’t seem to work anywhere except on running programs. The clock is explicitly mentioned as having a right-click option, but it doesn’t work. I reckon it should be there.
I’m pretty much a neophyte at this point, but if the right-click should work I might be able to find it. It’s not something I would hold my breath on, though