Dockbert Questions

Ya, right click is getting me nothing… Oh well. Maybe some one will have a crack at it at some point. I an can use it right now. But if I do something wrong I seem to be just stuck with it.

It might be a hassle, but can you delete the settings for it and start over?

I will try that tonight.

Go one to beshare and download a old r5 Version. Unpack it an copy it to nkn-packaded

This wont work on 64bit.


Ummm. I deleted home/config/settings/dock_settings.

But when I restart Dockbert… all the settings are still there… I have no idea why and the settings file reappears… like a ghost of BeOS past.

To any dev reading this. I don’t have much. But, I can pay 50.00 to anyone who can fix up dockbert. I really, really would like this little program to work.

Hello. The settings file is created when close Dockbert to save the actual state of the application. Besides the configuration window is not working, you still can add and remove shortcuts by simply drag and drop over the Dockbert bar. The dock_settings is used to save this changes.

But you can not change the clock and date in dockbert


Thank you. With that bit of info I was able to reset dockbert. I am still will to give 50.00 to anyone who fixes up the prefs. I think you are supposed to be able to create differnt “trays” and such. There are things that you really need the prefs for. I do have a work around now, so thanks for that. If anyone fixes the prefs, private message me.

I doubt that money will make a difference (unless it’s much more… :slight_smile: ). It’s all a matter of developers liking the app and seeing it worthwhile their time. Some aspects may also be feasable for GCI students to fix.

I’d say the first step is to identify exactly what needs fixing and creating detailed, fine grained tickets at DockBert’s issue tracker for everything. GCI students or others may then start with lower hanging fruit and work their way upward as they become more familiar with the code.

If the dockbert settings file is a simple text file or stored as attributes, we can create a pref gui with yab.

And yes i can do it then.


I kind of figured, but it’s one of those “you don’t know unless you ask.” things.

I know the file is at ~home/config/setting/dock_settings. All I can say it that you can’t open it with style edit.

Ok i will look at it using quickres.

Ok i have tried to get the data from the config file, but i have no luck.

Thanks for trying. I appreciate that.

The dock_settings are flattened BMessages. You can ‘decode’ them with the “message” command from Terminal.
There was a little project to convert xml to and from such flattened BMessages. If I could just remember the name or repo… :blush:

Edit: And now I found the fork in my github:

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I tried to do this way, but xmlbmessage crashed every time. I download and test it and i also compile it new and test it, but the Crash stopping me.

Please report crashes at its Github’s issue tracker, otherwise they are unlikely to get fixed.