Development environment

Look into Kate as well, since it can also be turned into a light IDE of sorts by enabling a couple plugins.

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Nice. Will try next session. Thank you.

Wasnt there also a GTK port on the way (regarding SWT and Eclipse <3)?

Viewing comments in this topic makes me wonder whether some people are actually aware that with QtCreator + cmake, we get project navigation + code completion (even BeApi). There is also integrated debugging support which sadly depends on a broken gdb.

An interesting observation with QtCreator+cmake - I use it professionally for Linux, and also with Haiku, and for some reason Haiku code completion and searching works fine, while under Linux is behaves poorly. Go figure …

At one point 4 years ago I was frustrated about the IDE situation (lack of code completion) under vanilla Haiku that I even thought of writting my own IDE, but once I discovered combination of QtCreator+cmake, I never bothered with that idea again and moved onto other projects.

Another amazing tool is TrackerGrep, for searching system headers when you just cant remember which header file contains your function declaration.

Finally, Haiku’s own Debugger is actually very good. The only ommission is the ability to scan/drill through std::vector and friends.


What is about x86 and x86-64? I don’t know too much about compiler toolchains, maybe the default toolchains are able to target each arch, i never researched that, so forgive me if i am wrong.

One of the things I like about this is that I use QtCreator on both macOS and Windows. Having a familiar environment and consistent experience across OSes is fantastic.

Another one that would be great to have is VSCode which I use for non-C++ development… but I don’t see electron being ported anytime soon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As always: feel free to do it.

Probably a good thing :slight_smile:


Hmm, maybe I should have a look if you also did compilers for microchip… :innocent:

BTW Motorola 6802/6809 was my first love… :heart_eyes:


Yes, you can use SDCC for PIC microcontrollers. However I’m not sure if there are tools to actually flash the code on the microcontrollers yet. Nowadays I’m more happy with the Atmel (now also Microchip) AVR ones.

Also dspic? And both c and assembly? Just curious … indeed I was looking for programming capabilities at some point and couldn’t find it.

I use mplabx these days because we just ‘have’ to follow microchips route so far at some point, but I am not a happy user. What a sluggish beast that ide is!

I think the dspic families use a fork of gcc, back when I used it (on Linux) Microchip didn’t provide enough of the sources to build a working toolchain. We ended up running the compiler through wine at the time. Did the situation improve since then?

Don’t really know.I do know indeed it’s still forked GCC, and they now want you to pay regularly instead of just once to get a license on the additions.

This I am discouraging in our company, as I hate this way of doing things. So now we build our code explicitly and on purpose without using optimalisation. And of course I am nolonger a fan of that company as much as I was some 20 years ago :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Would be great to get a Haiku IDE that is akin to BeIDE. Paladin could obviously play a role into realizing that dream.

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There is a bit of a plan with Paladin to integrate Koder with it in a way that Paladin could kind of tell Koder that it is part of an editing session and send it menu shortcuts to register for it’s menu bar and such.
You could then do something like “Run project” from the open Paladin or Koder window, it’s a nice idea but not realized yet.


Much like what PalEdit offered Paladin?

I just tried QtCreator with TDME2. Its looking most promising for me. Even with code completion. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the hint.

It have a bug with the notifications and the autocompletion, dont destroy the pop ups, then you can colect pop ups over old pop up always over all until you close QT creator, sadly, is not so useful for me on that condition, those glitchs made the autocompletion unusable.

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From all the editors I found in HaikuDepot KDevelop was the most promising for developing the OS itself. QtCreator would probably work for this well too if only Haiku codebase used CMake and not Jam.

Ultimately I think that nice environment can help a lot new developers start working with Haiku codebase. As a newcomer it was terrible experience for me when I had to use file manager to search for header files just to understand the APIs used in some of the things I tried to debug. Having an IDE which understands C++ would greatly help with this.

During code sprint I tried setting up VS Code on my macOS to work with the codebase. It required me to wrote a special plugin which can supply header information (extracted from compile_commands.json, thanks @PulkoMandy) to IntelliSense. In the end IntelliSense works great - it points to proper header files and provides proper autocompletion. The setup is quite unusual, because I’m developing on macOS, but still compiling all the code on Haiku and you need SSH connection between the two. I would be happy to publish it if there’s anyone who would like to use it.


Yes I agree here, It is esential to have a nice developement environment to attract developer to use Haiku.

The more developer using Haiku than more will likely write Apps and Programms for Haiku or make the existing programms better and work!

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