Hi there … it s long ago since i compiled haiku maybe i can help a little bit…
Here is a good description (dont know why its not that good described in the documentation):
It from this thread: Help building haiku?
Hope this helps:
git clone https://git.haiku-os.org/buildtools
git clone https://github.com/yourID/haiku
cd haiku
mkdir generated.x86gcc2
cd generated.x86gcc2
…/configure --build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 …/…/buildtools
Then if you want to build a complete image (you may need to alter -j4 to match your # of cpus):
jam -q -j4 @nightly-raw
You have to invoke ./configure from the root folder of the checked out Haiku source tree.
No need for buildtools when building from Haiku, see Configure Options.