Beta4 Repositories disabled

The beta4 repositoriers are disabled since we are in the beta5 release cycle and don’t currently have the ressources to keep both running.

Updates on a beta4 install are currently broken as a result (and the repository is disabled), this is expected currently.

Once beta5 is released Users can update to that, as the latest stable release then.



in the meantime, how do I switch to the latest working nightly?
As there is no beta5 update channel yet, I am left without a path to update smoothly, until beta5 is out…

You can just change your repositories from r1beta5 to master.


hmmm tried that but didn’t help, what am I doing wrong?
Or is the prefs GUI not enough to change/fix this?

You need to do the same for the HaikuPorts repository.
With only the Haiku repository,it doesn’t find some important libraries,so that updating is still broken.

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Ah of course, silly me. Will try that… Update: this worked, thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:

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This sounds accurate… but I also know that the haikuports r1beta4 repository is a symlink to the nightly master repository :wink:

Any time you switch from one release channel to another, do a pkgman full-sync, that will generally do a full upgrade and fix problems like this.

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Yes, but it was not enabled in the screenshot ; )

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In case of emergency, can I manually download and install a package from the Haiku Depot website?

Yes, on every packages page there’s a link to “Download package ‘hpkg’ file”. Works nicely for native apps, but once there are dependencies involved, manually downloading them all may soon become impractical.


pkgman should get a „update to last compatible“ option. I think

When switching haikuports repository to “master” as mentioned by @waddlesplash it’s still possible to get packages from there (provided they haven’t been rebuild on buildmasters, then they require a nightly/beta5 install).

Do you know when beta5 will be available?

Beta5 -

HaikuPorts -

and nightly -

Work fine.

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Thanks a lot.

Just a FYI these repo links do not “Work fine”. Yes, you can use them, but beta5 is not released yet barring issues with for example the webbrowser and some ports. So use those at your own risk at this time.


I would recommend that whatever your choice,

  • to stay with beta 4 repositories and wait until beta 5 is officially out to switch,
  • to change for beta 5 repositories and be prepared to face last unexpected behaviours,
  • to change to use nightlies repositories at your own risk,

to be careful to not mix things. Both Haiku and haikuports repos should contains the same major version indicator: r1beta4, r1beta5 or master. And if you decided to switch, better open Terminal and use pkgman full-sync to do first update.

pkgman full-sync is equivalent to running SoftwareUpdater normally.