Sounds like a perfect use case for TrackerScript, a TrackerAddon that will run a customized script on the selected items.
It use attribute to specify the script command.
See the recent discussion about Font Install traker add-on:
Again I feel I’m missing something, but what’s wrong with drag&drop? Doesn’t a YAB app accept files dropped on either its icon or an open window? That’s how I specify files for almost everything I do.
On an open window, yes. You need to specify a specific view as the dropzone and then just keep looking for the appropriate message$ code in your main loop.
On the icon … Don’t know, I’ve never tried that, but peek$(“refsreceived”) might pick that up.
I does not want to make a second Imagemagick gui. I only want to make it possible to do fast image manipulation using the context menu. Imagemagick use a dropzone to open images.
Give a look at TrackerScript. Should be easy to duplicate it with different script command and call it “Flip image”.
Don’t forget to set accepted MIME type to image/*, though.