A mascot

I saw some people talking about a mascot so I decided to start a thread about it. With a name like haiku I think the most obvious mascot would be the panda. Haiku is japanese so it fits perfectly, not only that its a very cute animal :).

Pandas are found only in southwestern China, along the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau.

Animals figure importantly in the culture of Japan. Chinese classical literature is the source of many of the beliefs embraced by the Japanese about various animals. The Japanese adopted such traditional animal symbols as cranes (for happiness and longevity) :smiley: and turtles (for a faithful return) :smiley: .

Then there is the ancient Chinese calendar system, in which 1 animal (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog, and boar) represents each subcycle of 12 years.

2004 is the year of the monkey. “If you are born in the Year of the Monkey, you are very intelligent, well-liked by everyone, and will have success in any field you choose. Lucky old you!” :smiley:

Perhaps the answer is the Japanese Macaque. The paper sculptures at the URL below look kinda cute!


Why not a autumn leaf as the mascot?

Far more concise than an animal or an abstract living form :smiley:

How about a humming bird?
There lightweight fast and speedy
I can flap they’re wings hundreds of times per second
I think a hummingbird would make a excellant mascot

Sorry about the poor english above
(Yes it is my native language :wink:
what I meant to say was
that the hummingbird can flap its wings
hundreds of times per second
and people like them
and plus it would be cool
to do a set of animated hummingbird cursors

I tend to agree I think the leaf is a pretty damn good logo / mascot :smiley:

hm maybe a dragon ? :slight_smile:
its a strong, fast and have a magic power hehe :slight_smile:
to defeat other os :smiley:

beefthief wrote:
How about a humming bird? There lightweight fast and speedy I can flap they're wings hundreds of times per second I think a hummingbird would make a excellant mascot

A humming bird is alreade the mascot of a software company.

A mascot is a must…

i think a leaf would do fine…

Humming bird is also a good choice (or some kind of a colorful bird)

:stuck_out_tongue: Hey ! how about some kind of a cute little colorful fish…?

Please… no Dragons anyway…

dangthrimble wrote:
Then there is the ancient Chinese calendar system, in which 1 animal (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog, and boar) represents each subcycle of 12 years.

Yeah, a ratoxtigerrabbitdragonsnakehorsesheepmonkeycockdogandboar! Would fit perfectly onto a boot screen. :stuck_out_tongue:

well openbsd has a fish, ximian a monkey, who has a bird ? i think it’s a cool idea

You need to get your marketing right. Yellow leaves are dead leaves! Make it a gold plated leaf… :lol:

Hummingbird sounds good, how about making the Hummingbird from Origami?
Here is a link where they have some samples:

Lou G.

How about a tree.

Lou G wrote:
Hummingbird sounds good, how about making the Hummingbird from Origami? Here is a link where they have some samples: http://www.paperfolding.com/diagrams/

Lou G.

More people seems to agree with the Humming bird…
But dont make it a Hummingbird from Origami :cry:

I think it should be very colorful and Cartoonish… :wink:
I suggest those with creative minds to submitt their versions of HummingBird… (or may be any new idea of a mascot)

For any german speaker it must be obvious which should be the mascot for Haiku…

Introducing the “Haikuh”:

:lol: :? :roll: :wink:

that’s just a load of bullshark dude :lol:

Sikosis wrote:
that's just a load of bullshark dude :lol:
You're absolutely right. Bullsh...whatever...

But I still think that “sharkcow” is kind of a funny name for an operating system. On the other hand, it’s definitely more inspired than a name that designates things you put into holes in a wall: “windows”, “doors”, “curtains”, etc… And it’s better than being so thrifty to give the OS just one letter: “OS X”, “OS Y”, “OS Z”, …

I’m sorry if I keep pointing out negative points, but I’m afraid the current logo and a colourful bird as a mascot don’t go too well together either: the red, green and yellow leaves look quite like feathers to me and next to a colourful bird that certainly evokes a plucked bird… It may represent the current state of the BeOS community, but I really hope we can find a better picture for its future!!!

An ideal animal mascot to go with Haiku might be a ‘Walking Stick’ (aka ‘Stick Insect’).

This very docile and strictly vegetarian insect (that has never caused any pests) seems to me to be a good subject for graphic artists, looking almost abstract by itself already.

fm wrote:
For any german speaker it must be obvious which should be the mascot for Haiku...

Introducing the “Haikuh”:

:lol: :? :roll: :wink:

HAHAHAHA I also understand it as a dutchie :lol: :lol: