A mascot

We need an official poll on the Haiku frontpage! :stuck_out_tongue:

I always thought that this was mascot!

it is not pretty? for me always he will be! 8) :smiley: :smiley: 8)

I don’t like mascots as an OS logo, i preffer an abstract logo or an object. The cirlce of leaves is great!

nitro wrote:
I don't like mascots as an OS logo, i preffer an abstract logo or an object. The cirlce of leaves is great!

that file doesn’t appear to exist.

Suppafly wrote:
nitro wrote:
I don't like mascots as an OS logo, i preffer an abstract logo or an object. The cirlce of leaves is great!

that file doesn’t appear to exist.

He meant http://haiku-os.org/images/icons/icon16.ico

and for some reason the tags aren’t working here - maybe they’re turned off?

How about a Tanuki. It is cute, cuddly and definitely Japanese(provided we want to stick with a Japanese-esque theme). Not quite a panda, but certainly more fun.

umccullough wrote:
Suppafly wrote:
nitro wrote:
I don't like mascots as an OS logo, i preffer an abstract logo or an object. The cirlce of leaves is great!

that file doesn’t appear to exist.

He meant http://haiku-os.org/images/icons/icon16.ico

and for some reason the tags aren’t working here - maybe they’re turned off?

It might be because its a .ico file… generally they aren’t displayed in browsers as graphics

Now that we have the right link…

I like that little icon too. As a mascot, well… maybe. You could have a penguin covered in a pile of leaves, or a Windows logo covered in a pile of leaves, or a Mac face covered in a pile of leaves…

Oh, I see, no mascot. Well, that works too. :slight_smile:


ico = windows icon, which aren’t really graphics

luckily enough for most of us, our browser will handle it even if we aren’t in windows, and display it in the address bar

kurtis wrote:
ico = windows icon, which aren't really graphics

luckily enough for most of us, our browser will handle it even if we aren’t in windows, and display it in the address bar

Is that setup to be the favicon, because it doesn’t show up as a favicon in any of my browsers.

Suppafly wrote:
kurtis wrote:
ico = windows icon, which aren't really graphics

luckily enough for most of us, our browser will handle it even if we aren’t in windows, and display it in the address bar

Is that setup to be the favicon, because it doesn’t show up as a favicon in any of my browsers.

Scratch that, it works in IE, just not right away… Doesn’t seem to work in firefox at all though.

it works every once-in-a-while for me in firefox… I’m not really sure why… but yes, it is set up to be the favicon

It works for me in ff for the hopepage. It would be nice if it could be done for the forums too!

kurtis wrote:
it works every once-in-a-while for me in firefox... I'm not really sure why... but yes, it is set up to be the favicon
Not on every page - it is in the front page's source, but not in the forum-pages for example.

However there’s also a related bug in Firefox in that it often does not store the image as the bookmark’s icon, but only displays it in the address bar.
Hope they fix that for 1.0…

As for the icon and mascot - I would also strongly encourage an abstract approach that resembles or elaborates on the logo, like the icon, which is nice - it’s really more mature and “advanced” and would symbolise the individuality and originality of Haiku much better than some mundane image of whatever.

Just my 0.2,

sakki wrote:
How about a Tanuki. It is cute, cuddly and definitely Japanese(provided we want to stick with a Japanese-esque theme). Not quite a panda, but certainly more fun.

Yes! What better than the notorius racoondog… (did anyone else catch the leaf reference here, or was it just me?)



How about a beautiful fairy sitting on a leaf with a giant golden fork?

  1. Beautiful … because isn’t that what Haiku is?
  2. Fairy … lightweight, fast, nimble : all things you want from an OS.
  3. You seem to like leaves
  4. Fork … well, it’s not a code fork, but it’s going to be a feature fork.
  5. Gold … or any colour that isn’t red, because FreeBSD/Darwin use red.
kurtis wrote:
ico = windows icon, which aren't really graphics

What are they then? They always used to be noncompressed bitmaps.

stormbind wrote:
kurtis wrote:
ico = windows icon, which aren't really graphics

What are they then? They always used to be noncompressed bitmaps.

.ico’s are actually strange formats (but generally supported by many graphics programs) - a single .ico file can actually contain all sorts of images in different sizes and color depths… for instance, when downloading .ico graphics from the internet, many artists provide 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72, 96x96, and 128x128 pixel versions of their icon, and then they may provide various bitdepths for each one of those (4 bit, 8 bit, 16 bit, 24 bit, and 32 bit are common) - there’s also no guarantee that each of the different sizes and bitdepths are even the same graphic, they can be completely different if desired by the author…

all of this allows your operating system to use the proper sized graphic depending on the chosen icon-size for file listings, toolbars, etc. If an ico files doesn’t contain an image of the proper size and depth, the next closest size is scaled and/or dithered (this process is slower and usually ugly) to make it fit.

This is why SVG is becoming popular for icons - no need to support multiple icon sizes to suit the OS and user’s desires, literally one-size-fits-all :slight_smile: