ZFS Port: Community Bonding Report | Haiku Project

I was busy with finals throughout the Community Bonding period, which left me with little time to work on GSoC-related tasks. I still have 3 exams left with the last one being on June 7. That's when the fun starts. For now I'm merely playing with ZFS on FreeBSD on a virtual machine. I still need to make my way through at least the ZFS On-Disk Specification. Even though the information contained in this document is not strictly required for porting ZFS to Haiku, it's a useful read nonetheless. It also makes me look like a rockstar when I open it in coffee shops.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/generalmaximus/2011-05-30_zfs_port_community_bonding_report/