Would anyone work on Open Sum_it?


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Guys, when I save a file and reopen it after closing the application, the border of the cells disappears
 and I don’t see any option to draw the borders

Later o can upload a screen about that issue
Before saving

After save, close sum-it, open again and load

EDIT: I can show grid in the Settings MenĂș
 it’s not the common but well, i can do it :slight_smile:

Also i have the documentation (From be_basics) it’s possible publish that? Is just an HTML file and i can change the images (Copyrighted i supose)


Hi, a few bugs :slight_smile:

  • The name, Sum-IT is a commercial product and the git puts OpenSum-IT, what is the real name of this software release? (https://sum-it.sourceforge.net/ as hystorical reference)
  • When clicking/save the default folder it is/system/apps/and should be/boot/home/not to start in a system reading only.
  • The formulas related to the content of the cells do not work in 64 bits.
    • 1+2 = 3 (thats ok!)
    • A1+A2 = Error!
    • IF(A3=0,“ZERO”,“OTHER NUMBER”) = Error!
  • When loading a file after saving it and closing the program, the cells or the grid are not shown. (You can activate after load the file, (Ctrl+left mouse))
  • When maximizing after entering data, the entire spreadsheet is not shown, only the initial visible part.
  • There is no documentation. (I can write one based in the official one and push in
 a git? what git? :stuck_out_tongue: )

I don’t know if report in the git or in other place:

About the formulas:The hpkg doesn’t have BSL and/or REZ (Needed to compile, but don’t know if needed on run) i don’t know if it’s related
 but is info :slight_smile:

EDIT: Some Screenshots:
32 bits workflow

64 bits error
