Working Java or Flash?

Is there any working Java or Flash for the FireFox browser on Haiku? I found Opera with the Flash plugin but it didn’t work. I’m sure this question has been asked before but I’ve searched around on this site and found no solution.

There really isn’t anything useful yet. Flash is a little further along than Java, but both are being worked on.

For Flash some people have tried to port Gnash, the GNU Flash player, but it has a huge number of dependencies and does not support the latest Flash. But it might be better than nothing.

I am putting my hope in some Haiku developers writing a native Flash player. There has been some work in that direction at least.

As for Java there is a port of OpenJDK in process, but it could be a very long time until it is done.

On another note I’m personally working on a new web browser that will make use of WebKit. That still won’t solve the Flash or Java issue but it will at least be a bit more modern and faster than our Firefox port, Bezilla. But it too is a slow process to develop so I don’t expect anything useful to be released until next year.

Okay thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Please take a look here

[quote=michaelvoliveira]Please take a look here[/quote]

Looks neat I’ll boot into Haiku right now and check it out.

Edit: Using GCC2 it crashes whenever it encounters a flash video.

It’s very buggy on gcc2 system…

you’ll need at least a haiku gcc4hybrid to play well
please build one by yourself

Is there a source of said “gcc4hybrid”? Sorry but I’m new to Haiku and C. Then would I need to get a FireFox source and compile it with GCC4 or just use the current FF?

I thought I had to do something with GCC4 but nothing really explains WHAT to do :/.

It should work on the Alpha image as it is a gcc2hybrid image itself; but it will not have sound.

Gcc4 & co. on the other hand support sound; however sound has been turned off in the gnash package (The Gnash-readme talks of turning it back on). Gcc4 and gcc4hybrid images are very much unsupported; they are merely there for contributors who do not have time to build their own images, but nonetheless some people are using it for their own purposes.

You can find the images here:

You will need

You can find the other things you need to download in the Gnash-readme inside the file off haikuware. The Gnash dependencies are listed under “3.2 Binary packages” in the Gnash-readme.

Can Haiku developers create dynamic, database like Flash application?

Why do you ask?

[quote=ti.teg.tnod.I]Is there a source of said “gcc4hybrid”? Sorry but I’m new to Haiku and C. Then would I need to get a FireFox source and compile it with GCC4 or just use the current FF?

I thought I had to do something with GCC4 but nothing really explains WHAT to do :/.[/quote]

Please see here building steps

and here in order to do an hybrid gcc4

[quote=richienyhus]It should work on the Alpha image as it is a gcc2hybrid image itself; but it will not have sound.

Gcc4 & co. on the other hand support sound; however sound has been turned off in the gnash package (The Gnash-readme talks of turning it back on). Gcc4 and gcc4hybrid images are very much unsupported; they are merely there for contributors who do not have time to build their own images, but nonetheless some people are using it for their own purposes.

You can find the images here:

You will need

You can find the other things you need to download in the Gnash-readme inside the file off haikuware. The Gnash dependencies are listed under “3.2 Binary packages” in the Gnash-readme.[/quote]

Thanks I’ll stick to the nightly build and the GCC4 Firefox.

On a separate note, if programming in Python what should I use for GUI? I’ve seen an API for C I think.