WORKING HP deskjet xxx driver

This would be very nice since of the drivers I found work, except Binkjet-Demo. And that particular one prints demo warning on every page. Don’t know if the company that made Binkjet drivers still exists. They still exist. I got my licence free with R5 Pro though so I’ve no idea if they support the driver still.

However, many new Deskjets support PCL6C so you can use Haikus driver for colour. Otherwise, they nearly all support PCL3 for B&W

MYOB wrote: They still exist. I got my licence free with R5 Pro though so I've no idea if they support the driver still.

However, many new Deskjets support PCL6C so you can use Haikus driver for colour. Otherwise, they nearly all support PCL3 for B&W

Unfortunately, my good old HP 610c doesn’t work with any of those.