Word Processor for Haiku?

How about Calligra Suite for Haiku?
Deep porting, with rewriting KDE part (integrating into Haiku).

Also i dont like calligra … it would be a good start.
Personally i think exanding the LittleWriter would be the fastest…

Or improoving the internal HaikuDepotTextview:

I personally prefer reusable code over specialized applications. A better textview gadget could improve other applications like WebPositive. Even better if the gadget can be superclassed with different style requirements.

I rather vaguely aware of these matters, but maybe a good idea to have in haiku the following: htmlview or/and texview/pdfview?
The first suit for the Internet, the second for other documents.

What are some options? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

New thread started to discuss reusable abstract text editor class.

In response to Abstract TextView gadget? - #8 by michel I’d like to address a few features needed to make a full-fledged word processor out of a text-editor class. I’m putting it here to make it on-topic.

  • auto-updating footnotes
  • auto-updating endnotes
  • auto-updating cross-references
  • an auto-updating reference manager

These could be implemented using a mail-merge function internally as long as the user-interface is done right.

  • ToC and index generation (those can be manual update)
  • different levels of page numbering in the same document (i…xii, 1…200)

Pagination would have to be added if it is based on WebView document object models and an outline function would help with the page numbering system.

  • multiple languages within the same document for spell- and grammar-checking.

WebView supports Unicode, doesn’t it?

  • Track changes/merge documents

This sounds like a Git variant. What version control utilities are available now for Haiku?


A Free Java Office

Joeffice is an open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and database.



https://bitbucket.org/agoubard/joeffice (Source Code)

Tried OSX download, extracted tgz and ran JAR file. The installer says there’s not enough free space on HDD, which is false. I’d like to try it on Haiku though.

I ran it on Mac OSX once, about a year ago. It was rudimentary and buggy. Don’t know if there has been development since.

Welcome to the Haiku shell.

~> /boot/home/Desktop/joeffice.sh --nospacecheck

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Thanks Kim!

I ran the Linux Installer as your image showed, and the install went perfectly in my home directory. It’s seems to be working well, with the little bit of time that I’ve spent with it.

Has anyone tried updating the AbiWord port?

Actually some tried to look into it… but there are some reason why its not worth (from my opinion)

  1. its not developed further - it has not seen major changes in sourcecode since years. There is only one person maintaining this app, and even there main realeases are not published as windows binary … because they dont have a developer for this build (also its only “building” it)… but you see the picture :smiley:
  2. The app is horrible unstable… sorry to say this…
    i wanted to test out if it would be a good solution for haiku. I Installed it on linunx and windows and used it for my private stuff but also tried two weeks to use it for my work - with horrible result… losing all my data (could not load saved documents and so on) - Alsways remeber- this was with the offical latest release.
  3. the Last working port of abiword was for BeOS in the year 2000. It was never complete and in my opionion they made some crazy decicions … like dont implement the Dialogs but use flatterned BMessage…

So if you want to have abiword you need to start from srcatch… and you will not get an stable Wordprocessor and also not a really native one…

How I see we have little choice here:
get Betware Writer code or write new one “Writer”.
All other choices is to complicated for now.
So who get the code or write the new one?

Don’t forget the attempts to get something done in relatively recent years:

OOffice - Oliver’s Office, from the same guy who later added bluetooth support to Haiku: http://urnenfeld.blogspot.fr/search/label/OOffice

There is at least a lot of relevant thinking and reflexions about how a native implementation could be attempted, and some prototypes.

There was another project called “Paragraph” in the osdrawer days, I don’t know if this went somewhere.

Another alternative would be to port some non-open source word processor from another OS, if we can get the companies behind them to be interested. For example, Papyrus comes to mind. Over its life it existed on Atari ST, then Windows, OS/2 and Mac OS X, and a Linux version has been in the work for some time. I don’t know why it didn’t reach the BeOS at the time.

Developers of SoftMaker Office maybe get interested in Haiku, they have versions for windows, linux and android.

And still, people want variety…
If Abiword developing stuck, maybe someone want to spin off most stable version of it (2.8.6?) and make native Word for Haiku, eventually.

Yes, yes, AbiWord has flaws, but they are fixable.

Well, who wants to participate?

…If we can not get Betware Writer code, I think this course of action is most reasonable and achievable in the near future.

Considering that a word processor/office suite is one of the most complicated software programs around I would say it isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
It’s already been stated how out of date and buggy/unstable Abiword is, I for one wouldn’t use it for anything critical or even to bash out the occasional letter. I haven’t tried it yet but as mentioned earlier Joeffice seems a reasonable compromise for now.
Instead of constantly loading the Haiku team with more work, I say let them finish the OS first and then worry about everything else.

Nothing is easy, what you should do in this life.
And without the Haiku team is the other people.

You must understand that it is only to larger goals and victories, you can attract more people to the project. If only avoid the difficulties and work, this project will only shrink and shrink.

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Try. Is that a useful thing?