WinMo replacement?

Any possibility of getting Haiku to run on a winmo device? I’m sure there’s linux alternatives out there, but it’d be nice to get a version running on our low powered mobile devices. Just wondering if something like that was possible.

I guess that would depend on the hardware running in the device. I’m guessing not all WinMo devices run the same hardware. I assume you mean Windows Mobile when you say WinMo?

Well, it’s certainly not impossible… but I suspect someone will need to port the kernel to whatever architecture is required… and then there is the issue of drivers.

haha Urias is right. It’s not impossible but probably would take some major work.

Many mobile devices tend to use ARM processors. I believe that is what you’re referring to?

Haiku is currently focused on x86 architecture. It certainly is possible but won’t happen until developers start working on support for ARM CPUs. Maybe in R2 or R3? It’ll be many years so I’d say look at other options.

OSes that work on ARM ( but may not support your device ):
Palm/Garnet OS, Symbian OS, Windows CE

On the Unix side: Debian, Gentoo & NetBSD.

I believe RISC OS is ARM based too :slight_smile:

As others have said the current focus of the Haiku developers is the x86 architecture for use as a desktop (or laptop) operating system.

As the project progresses and gets more developers ports to other architectures for use in mobile devices could certainly happen, but whether that will be part of the core project or some other side project is hard to say at this point. There is currently a port to the MIPS architecture and PowerPC support has been built-in alongside x86 for some time (though at this point I think it is not maintained.) So like BeOS, Haiku should be a portable operating system.

But at the end of the day ports to new architectures and the creation of a “mobile user experience” will only happen if there are developers or companies with those interests.

Since x86 is the most popular platform that’s where we need to get it polished off first, IMO.

don’t forget that by the time haiku R1 is gold it will probably be 2009. Now, take another year to complete a port, by then you will probably have the same architecture in your mobile than in your PC.

I think it’s a case that doing nothing (keeping focus on desktop) is helping more your goal than putting special effort. In other word, you don’t want haiku on the mobile device you currently own, you want haiku to be mobile, point.

It’s also a case where the commercial friendly licence start to make sense. A company could port itself the OS to it’s device, but they won’t do it if they knew officially a port is to be done for free.