Wine has been having issues

Apps that run perfectly fine through wine on Linux just give an error while launching, the only apps I was able to run were the ones preinstalled by wine, and even then they would not redraw unless they were dragged off screen and then back on, or a window was dragged on top of them. How would I fix this? it happens on beta 5 and nightly.

Wine32 isn’t ported, it also isn’t ideal even wit 64bit applications.

Wine nowadays handles 32-bit internally through its WoW64 implementation. We just need the Wine port to be updated to the latest version. Wine also appears to be moving away from its reliance on GStreamer and may only require ffmpeg for video playback in future releases, which should further simplify porting. Window redrawing would still be an issue though.

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Well wine config does display the window with a white screen. I don’t know if this is progress or not.

If it’s the same thing I have been seeing here, you can make the window render by dragging another window over top of it, or dragging it off the screen briefly, it seems to force the window to redraw and display correctly.

Yes that works, but I can’t get any apps to open inside wine except the included ones.

i have been able to get 7zip to run, and nearly an old nightly of firefox. all suffer the redraw bug, however. you might be encountering a situation where the program installers are still 32-bit if you are trying to run anything from an installer program.

update: got a bit further with an older nightly

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