so i installed Haiku and i cant get the wifi working on my laptop
the laptop is asus model is X543MA
i cant fix the issue does anyone know how to fix the issue?
What wifi chip does your laptop have?
If you don’t know how to find that info,run listdev and post the output here.
And does wifi show up in the network preferences (which would indicate at least some support) or is it totally missing?
According to ASUS’ website:
It’s one of these models:
its fully mising and i think i one time ran listdev and i think it said that its a qualcom imma check
yep its a qualcomm atheros it shows up as a wireless network adapter so atleast Haiku actually sees the wifi adapter
Maybe post de PCI ids, like xxxx:yyyy e.g. 10ec:c852 (RealTek RTL8852CE PCIe 802.11ax Wireless Network Controller). Where xxxx is the vendor id and yyyy is the device id.
You can look up these ids here:
idk these kinds of things
ill make a new post
Type listdev in the terminal, post the output.