Wifi Intel 3165 doesn't work

I managed to install Haiku OS (hrev51659) on a Zotac Nano machine. Everything’s fine except WLAN. Device isn’t listed in the network prefs. The app Devices recognizes “Intel Corp. Wireless 3165”. The wifi script didn’t solved it. Any ideas?

Maybe unsupported.
You can buy a supported one or port the driver from FreeBSD.
Or wired.
Or you can create a Ticket.

you need to install the firmware in order for your interface to show up in the network preflet.
Open a terminal and type
"install-wifi-firmwares.sh" (without the quotes) if necessary reboot and see if it’s enabled.

Haiku (there’s no “OS” in the name :slight_smile: ) wlan compatibility layer currently only supports drivers up to FreeBSD 9.3. It appears your chipset was only added later. You’ll have to wait until the layer is updated or try to backport the FreeBSD driver.

Since I’m not a developer, backporting driver isn’t an option for me. I guess I can wait until the layer will be updated.