I have to ask this question…
Why Haiku?
I have been using computers since i was 7 years old, and I have been using Windows since win- 3.11 - I hate it, but see it as a practicality.
Now, i have to say this, I am sick of windows, I’m using (what i consider) to be the best version (XP), i saw what Vista had to offer, and didn’t want it. XP is getting old now, and MS is likely to withdraw it’s support. If Windows 7 proves to be as much of a disappointment as Vista has, then i may well be looking for an OS other than Windows.
What i need clarification on is why i should choose Haiku over the other available operating systems. It’s small user base, and smaller development base worry me, but i was intrigued by the original Be project.
I would love to see a return of the 80s when Microsoft was not the only choice, i loved RISCOS, i thought it was brilliantly put together. Amiga were years ahead of MS as well. Even going back as far as the BBC micro, come on being able to do robotics from the command line ?!
So what does Haiku have to offer?