Which driver do I use for IXP Sx High SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller

I recently installed Alpha 2 and found no devices listed in Media Preferences. I noticed a new version of OSS on the Haikuware site and after installing it my media preferences shows ATI HD Audio. I still do not have any sound. The mixer settings in Media Preferences look right. Do I need to do anything to use the correct driver?

I can hear several sounds when the system boots like a speaker jack being plugged in. When I try to play an mp3 file however, there is is no sound, nor when I set my incoming mail alert to beep. Should I file a bug? Nothing seems to have been done with bug #4838 I filed for Alpha 1.

If someone knows of a sound card that will work, I’ll be happy to buy and install it. I’ve already checked here http://haikuware.com/hardware/sound-cards and I’m not going to spend $300 when my entire computer didn’t cost that much.

I tried my SoundBlaster Live card again and like Alpha 1 got a kernel panic at boot. I shutdown my computer, removed the SoundBlaster Live card, restarted Haiku and my ATI HD Audio device started working. I listened to 3 mp3 files. They sounded just as good as they do on any other OS. When I rebooted again however, the ATI HD Audio device no longer works. So this is not a hardware but rather, a software issue.

Maybe an IRQ issue? Not sure. You will have to fill a bug.

Try safe mode options when booting. There is an option to disable BIOS. Check all except for safe-mode and fail-safe video mode.

If sound works, you can try to figure out which option got it working.

You should go into KDL and type ints. (my keyboard does not have sysreq key so I cannot tell you what to check without doing it myself).

If I do figure out which option gets it working, is there a way that I can boot with the option permanently enabled/disabled?

only 3 items you can set (control), acpi, apm & vesa mode.

I would guess you have IRQ sharing issue. When you installed SB Live, it probably changed the IRQs for your onboard sound card and allowed you to play music.

Haiku does not have IRQ sharing support. Disabling BIOS (in Haiku) may work but cross your fingers and hope for the best.

Can your BIOS manually assign IRQs?

Enter KDL and type int.
/boot/system/bin/kernel_debugger for KDL

int will show your interrupts and the devices using each. You also want to note any that say unhandled because that is not good (problem).

i thought the drivers for soundblaster aren’t included on the image by default.

Some yes, some no. :wink:

SB Live (& Audigy), yes. SB16, no. Don’t recall if any other SB audio drivers.

I entered KDL and there were a lot of unhandled devices. Is there a print screen option for KDL or a file that it can output to? I read something about using a digital camera to actually take a picture of the screen. Is that really the only way?

[quote=tonestone57]only 3 items you can set (control), acpi, apm & vesa mode.

I would guess you have IRQ sharing issue. When you installed SB Live, it probably changed the IRQs for your onboard sound card and allowed you to play music.

Haiku does not have IRQ sharing support. Disabling BIOS (in Haiku) may work but cross your fingers and hope for the best.

Can your BIOS manually assign IRQs?

Enter KDL and type int.
/boot/system/bin/kernel_debugger for KDL

int will show your interrupts and the devices using each. You also want to note any that say unhandled because that is not good (problem).[/quote]

My bios only assigns irq’s to the serial and parallel ports.

I don’t believe there is any print screen or output file for KDL but haven’t played with it to know. Digital picture always works. :slight_smile:

You can write the information down by hand. Just focus on the ones where you get unhandled errors (lots of them, not just a couple). Write the interrupt #, devices attached to the interrupt, # of handled & unhandled. Ignore those that have 0 (or very few) unhandled because those are working good.