Where is Haiku R1? | Haiku Project

Haiku released R1 Alpha 4.1 on November 14th, 2012. (5 years ago next month).

Since our last release, we have seen a huge number of groundbreaking new features slip into the nightly code including package management.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/kallisti5/2017-10-09_where_is_haiku_r1/

Waiting since I was a teenager. Even wanted to buy a CD when Haiku will be beta. =)

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Well then, a high fife to the next 5 years

Well done…

to me when 3d where supported then it will be in my soul the numbeR1 xD

Yeah, good luck with that…

Exciting times! had to believe that it was 19 years ago that I discovered BeOS and ordered a R3.2 Intel Demo CD, which I still have.

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I do not understand the community, because we are once again retired to a later date Regarding the first beta and the people are happy about it.

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OSNews.com wrote about this blog-entry

Still it is progress. I am not a developer, but I can appreciate how much as been done by such a small group. My hopes are still high but my expectations are tempered reality of available resources. Much easier to be happy in such a frame of mind.

This is a summary of the status quo and an overview what’s still keeping Beta1, and still people complain. Would you prefer not to have this communicated? I get the feeling that anything other than an announcement that Beta1 was released yesterday is counted as a failure…

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if a beta is already announced very often, but this has not appeared then it will be hard to believe. This should not make the work behind it bad. Therefore it is hard for me to believe.

Great timing, Haiku is broken, and OSnews publishes a story about it.

Remember that OSnews started out as BeOSnews.

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OSnews has been OSnews since it’s inception back in 1998. They/Thom has reported on BeOS/Haiku over the years but it was never BeOSnews. That was a separate site that has not been updated since 2010.

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Benews.com I think.

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Ah, I must have remembered it slightly wrong. I do remember that Eugenia Loli was one of the contributors to both.

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If only Haiku had not put the cart before the horse. Waaaaay back, many millennia ago, Haiku was a much simpler OS. If devs had sought to finish the OS first and THEN started working on the peripheral parts, I am certain this whole beta issue wouldn’t even be being discussed. Because we would have a finished OS we could use, but simply desiring more “frosting” to the, otherwise, delicious cake of Haiku.

However, as the nature of free development is such that people do what they WANT rather than what NEEDS to be done, development of the entirety gets prolonged 17+ yrs. and beta is still ahead.

There could be a way forward… but no one willing to challenge the status quo. And, thus, “free” progress must surely be worth the wait… beta ahead people! Just around the corner! :smiley:


“If only Haiku had not put the cart before the horse. … If devs had sought to finish the OS first and THEN started working on the peripheral parts, I am certain this whole beta issue wouldn’t even be being discussed.”

You are not a software developer, isn’t it? If Haiku finished OS (kernel + services / kits) part before attempting to write the peripheral parts, then Haiku would not be known until now. If you compare the whole OS with a car, then the core of OS is engine and the rest of OS is all the rest of the car. How do you imagine to produce and test the engine without the car for which the engine if designed? You can take as example almost all software (and not only) projects to see that the tuning the core was done well after the OS was in usable state. For example, when the GNU project was started, is got standard C library, C compiler, text editor and LASTLY the kernel (Linux). But if speaking about GNU without Linux, the kernel is still being developed and tuned (GNU/Hurd) - this last example shows where could be Haiku with suggested by you approach compared to actual Haiku development: exactly where is GNU/Hurd compared with GNU/Linux. And please, remember that in Linux, 3D graphics support with official drivers from hardware manufacturers came AFTER the rest of the system was usable. This is natural way for software development and for any complex engineering project.

Haiku seemed like it was booming some years ago – people were really excited, perhaps too excited albeit. Then the idea of “Package management” happened and killed the simple charm of the operating system – who wants another Linux package where one application needs version X another needs Y and on every OS install you have to make sure all libraries play well together to get anything installed or done… for what reason? Making an update to an OpenSSL lib becomes more efficient when a vulnerability is found?

Package managers take the power away from the user to manipulate programs through the file system and force them to deal with complicated build systems and applications instead… to save space (mb?) and security/integrity of all of those many shared libraries?

Package management was not worth the time invested, developers lost, architectural “improvements”, or user disengagement. A simple aggregated “Haiku-store” like ReactOS’s “Application Manager” is all most non-nerds wanted.