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i started SoftwareUpdater only to error out and I stopped…

Software Updter_2024-08-10_13-30

i did not change my repository from beta4 to beta5…

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Haiku devs started to preparation to new beta release.
That is part of the preparation the development branch added, and in buildtool config the actual prefixes are renamed (from beta4 to beta5 and pre_beta5 to pre_beta6).
After the renames done - that generally invisible for end users if they do not or can not know what to see for updating steps - but some packages containes the new release names. So as the devs had not stopped the nighly buildtools system - that automatically create the new packages, and you can face these new packages in this transition period. Before you changed to new level onyour machine.

Also Haikuports that creates 3rdparty packages not resolve all dependency in this transition period - they work on them one-by-one - so if you update your system in this period you may find some packages are new, but dependency still not available or too old. Then you have to decide which package and dependencies are important for you.
Your decision possibilities are enlisted by package manager - just as it can be seen in your example above.

I f you are not certain how to choose, I suggest to stop updates/upgrades until Beta5 released, and users do not report bugs anymore that relates to your needs – regarding to your Haiku usage preferencies.

You can be calm and patience - devs setup a usable new Beta release.
The transition generally lasts some days - I mean until all back to normal - users and developers continuously reports any failure they experience and devs (both OS and application ) in this period smooth quickly all the dumps we experience.


Hey, ArDrakho.

We’ve started the release process of beta5, since we do not have the capability to run two beta branches simulataniously this leaves us in this annoying intermediate place.

The repo was supposed to be disabled, making updates further than the current last beta4 disabled.

For now you should ignore those updates, In some time (like 3 weeks or so) we should be done with the beta5 release and you can then update to it.



This is great news. I am keen to migrate to haiku. I have used a recent nightly build to try out various software but have resisted going all-in because I wanted to wipe the whole SSD and do a fresh install with Beta 5.

Discussion here has frequently suggested it was past due, so am really excited to hear it’s on its way.

Beta 4 seems to have been considered the first one really suitable for mass adoption, so hopefully B5 builds on this and hits the ground running with press fully briefed. Can media be given the pre-release candidate to generate hype?

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