Webpositive, sync bookmarks?

Good day,

I was just wondering about the possibility of syncing WebPositive bookmarks among devices, a la Firefox. I haven’t found any option in the settings that allow this to be done, thus I presume is not possible at the moment. Is it?


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The bookmarks are just files with attributes. You can syncronize them with rsync, or any other tool that can synchronize files.


… and keep attributes (like, not owncloud for now).

I think @roiredxsoto meant kind of interoperability to be able to share bookmarks between webbrowsers, eventually between operating systems, like exporting from one and importing in the other. This is afaik not really possible now, but one could create a small script to convert them to a format which is ready to consume by Firefox, etc.

Also be careful rsyncing files with extra attributes between different operating systems/file systems, the attributes can easily get lost during the sync.

“BookmarkConverter” by TwoFx is available from HaikuDepot. It converts Web+ bookmarks into various formats and back again.

Good day,

Well, the scenario is that I have the two boxes, at home and at work (hopefully, when the screen rotation works, also the tablet), both running Haiku, so I add bookmarks at work, then at home on Haiku, Silverblue, and sometimes Windows. Silverblue and Windows are not a problem using Firefox Sync (as @extrowerk pointed, share bookmarks among everything, different boxes, browsers and oses), but with Haiku until now is through Feetnet (sharing through usbkey) or email.

Didn’t know anything about rsync before @PulkoMandy mentioned it, but I presume this needs some sort of “cloud” or “common storage” to keep the bookmarks accessible at all times and no pCloud available on Haiku yet. Besides, as @mmu_man and @extrowerk notice, there is the attributes thing.

So looks like the BookmarkConverter, as @humdinger said, is needed in order to keep attributes with the back and forth conversion, some cloud service and some script to automate the process. Looks like a task for “Automate the boring stuff with Python”. :rofl:

Thanks all, I’ll get at it.

I am curious if Web+ will soon have an Import Bookmarks… feature or any plans for this feature?

For example, to import the ‘bookmarks.html’ file produced by FireFox or another browser.

I tried using bookmarkconverter via terminal, but it aborts with an error:

~/Documents> bookmarkconverter -f HTML /boot/home/Documents/bookmarks.html /boot/home/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks
! json err @line 1 - Bad data : unexpected character [60] (<) when parsing element
There was an error reading the input

Any idea what I may be doing wrong? There’s not much documentation using this utility.

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Just a “me, too” here. I’m at exactly the same place. I tried the Otter browser, which nicely imports my Firefox bookmarks from HTML, but it can’t render the Forums pages here, so that’s out.

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