Webpositive issues

Ok, so Webpositive is really frustrating me. I can use it for 3-5 min and then it just stops working. The windows can still be drug around the screen. If I click a button it visually looks like it was pressed. I can navigate all the menu options. But it will just stop loading pages and will not quite. Not even process controller will make it quite I have to shut down the laptop to get it to work again. Then it works a few min, then the same thing…


I stand corrected. If I wait long enough Webpositive will quite, but I still am having the same underlying issues. I can only use it for a few min before it stops working for me.

It probably wouldn’t hurt to mention what version you’re using. You will see webkit versions at the bottom of the “About” screen, and those might be useful, or it might be enough to just say what Haiku version you have. There are sites that lock WebPositive up, for me, but others that work OK.

I have been having very poor luck with HTML emails, though, sent to me by fairly big outfits that sure ought to know what they’re doing, but apparently the HTML is not legal. With the help of an online validator I can fix little things and get WebPositive to display more of the page, but Safari breezes right through all this illegal stuff - which is also WebKit, am I right? If there’s some kind of flag I can use to relax WebPositive’s high standards enough to get it through this stuff, it would somewhat ease the pain of getting those stupid HTML emails. (WebKit 601.1.11, HaikuWebKit 1.4.8)

HaikuWebKit 1.4.8
WebKit 601.1.11

It is really weird. The app itself seems to be ok. I can go through all the menus, I can click on the add a tab button and they all behave visually as they should. But no new tab will open, and pages just stop loading. Again it works fine for a while and then just goes nuts on me.


It would help a lot if you submitted a bug report at dev.haiku-os.org and attached a sample "broken" HTML mail. Then a developmer may be able to look into it and try to fix the problem.

The partial freeze is not really weird, since the user interface management and the web page rendering are done in separate threads. It's possible that the UI thread is still running (and manages the menus, button clicks, etc) but the application/rendering/network one is blocked on something. It's definitely not something that should happen, however.

I will work on getting reliable test steps to reproduce.

I have fixed an important issue today, I will soon publish version 1.4.9 of WebKit for Haiku which I hope will solve your problems.

Very good. I will wait until I get to play with that before I write up a ticket.



Is this new WebKit version only for x86_gcc2 builds, or will 64 bit also get it? Currently, 64 bit Haiku is still using HaikuWebKit 1.4.6 (WebKit 601.1.6).

To follow up on that, in case anyone else cares, my bug report was immediately followed by a useful suggestion. When I take a page that I got as email and put it online, WebPositive suddenly finds it acceptable and renders it fine, apparently because the HTTP server routinely submits it as “text/html” despite the presence of doctype tags that declare it as xhtml. Haiku however gropes around in the file and when it comes up with that doctype information, the file type becomes “application/xhtml-xml”, and WebPositive acts on the basis of this more rigorous specification. Forcing file type to “text/html” solves the problem.

Your fix works for me. Wobpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Your fix works for me. Webpositive is a lot more rsponsive, i.e. does not hang on pages any more.

Thanks a lot.

Sorry everbody for the repeat posts. Obviously had a hang in W+ (or on server side) but th post was actually made.