Hey. I’m running a haikuwebkit development stream. The idea is that I develop a bit on haikuwebkit and people can watch, or ask about stuff in the webkit source tree.
That was really interesting,thanks!
I don’t know much about WebKit internals,but it was still rather easy to follow what you were doing and what should be the expected result.
If time permits,I’d be happy to watch again next time.
Suggestion: Put the date of the next installment into this thread’s title and update it when you know the next date, e.g. “WebKitCast #2: 15th Oct. 2024, 1600 UTC+2”.
Then, a day before the cast, bump the topic as a reminder.
If a longer discussion of a particular WKC entails, split it into its own topic.
Putting the abbrev. of the month in there would make it less confusing for people using different date formatting when it comes to Webkit Stream# 8: 10.11.24.