Web Epiphany: youtube:garbled sound output

Could you give us a different page to work with? Google is not offering me those languages.

The nightly build version of Haiku supports downloadable fonts, and in this case WebPositive can download the fonts from the website as needed (like other browsers do). But in beta4, this is not available yet. So, if the fonts are not installed, they will not work. And you have to find the exact fonts needed by the website you are visiting.

Moreover, in the case of indian languages, I think some more work will be needed as these require a bit more complex rendering than typical latin text (ligatures, combining characters, etc). So, even with the right fonts, I’m not sure this will work quite right.

  • Dooble 2023.12.25 and Falkon 23.08.4 - these recent browser versions are now using Qt WebEngine (i.e. qt5webengine).
  • Otter 1.0.03 - Qt WebKit. Otter provides a backend for Qt WebEngine - but not used yet by the port for Haiku. Qt WebKit is an older engine model and is superceded by Qt WebEngine.
  • WebPositive - WebKit. HaikuWebKit is WebKit (legacy) with Haiku patches. HaikuWebKit2 is WebKit2 with Haiku patches.

If using WebPositive, start testing using a recently nightly as suggested (hrev57752 and higher).

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Angelfish still fine also :slight_smile:

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My observations on some of the browsers on Haiku are as follows

  1. My laptop has 8GB ram, but as I type here, there is a lag in the words appearing…this is webpositive
  2. Generally, none of the web browsers can be said to be ‘mercurial’ in nature…all act as though they are suffocating…meaning, response is not very fast

Epiphany…very slow to open…slow to load pages…no tool bar on top…no tab to bookmark pages…search engine not shown when opened…not happy with the outlook of this which does not have drop down menus at the top

Falkon…crashes at random…not reliable

Dooble…every time dooble is opened, first there is a box which says preparing Qtwebengine…so, this is slow to open

Otter…crashes at random…

Ladybird…unusable…hangs…acts suffocated

Webpositive…if it starts playing youtube videos, this is THE browser for haiku

same thing on MacOS safari and iOS, though to a lesser extend. This forum software also breaks native iOS scrolling in the text field… they did something really wierd and I’m not sure what or why…

Probably works fine in chromium so it’s “good enough” shrug

Google has lost the path with YouTube.

Userdata suggests 70% or more if YouTube users viewers are men/male.

70% of ads on YouTube are geared towards women, dish soak, febreeze, hygiene products, clothing etc.

So most of the current behaviors of YouTube are exactly what a marketing company does, trap users, control content, stop people from bypassing ad placement to Keep from leaking ad click revenue.

Their behavior isn’t irrational when you look at them as what they are, a advertisement delivery and sales system.

Do not be surprised when they wall the browser garden to Google controlled product

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I’m on Rumble. Free Speech platform. Parallel system en route.