Web browser

I am looking for web browser with more settings than WebPositive. I did try Qutebrowser which I am familiar for but it is so slow on my old laptop.
Will be nice that we have luakit browser whichis better with resources.
You can see my poor laptop on attached file.

Thank you.

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WebPositive, which uses the native WebKit port and avoids using dozens of third-party libraries is one of the fastest solutions for older and rather low-end hardware.
If you need more settings, you can try Iceweasel which is basically Firefox minus tracking and official branding, but it’s a beast and might be even slower than Qutebrowser on your hardware.
GNOME Web could also be worth a try, not as huge as Iceweasel and it supports stuff like video playback which WebPositive doesn’t, but it may be a little slower compared to WebPositive and doesn’t offer a lot of additional settings like Iceweasel does, but probably enough for your needs.


Okay, which settings are you looking for? If we know what you are trying to do, we can advise you.

There are no any settings for cookies, tracking, addblocking…
On https://www.browseraudit.com
has 12 critical warnings and 40 warnings.
It has no one tracking protection…

I think I will go back to qutebrowser.

Thank you.

Unfortunately,adblocking and tracker blocking is not implemented in WebPositive at all yet,it’s much more than just a missing toggle in the settings.
Work is currently being made towards migrating from the legacy WebKit API to WebKit2,which will allow to make use of the WebKit built-in content blocking functionality.
Then,a UI for configuring it needs to be written and we’re good to go.
What sounds simple here may take a few months (or even more) before it’s ready.
That’s the main reason why I personally can’t use WebPositive as my everyday browser yet.

To block ads even without WebPositive directly supporting it,you can install the “hblock” package which configures your “hosts” file to block a good number of known ad domains.
You could also switch to a DNS provider with adblocking like Dismail: Service Info | dismail.de
Unfortunately,these solutions don’t work in situations where the ads come from the same domains as legit content,so they’re not 100% reliable,but catching like 80-90% is better than nothing I think.


I did install Qutebrowser again, setup and also javscript block (when I neede it I can allow), cookies and browseraudit doesn’t have any critical warning.
Problem is Haiku forum which said that my browser it not allowed. Possible I need to make my cookies settings less strict.

You can use a hosts file instead. For example stevenblack hosts file from github

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I checked out these tests. The 12 criticals are all for XMLHttpRequest allowing requests to a wrong host. This should be fixed, but this doesn’t relate to tracking as such.

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Thank you to everyone.
I will try to install Haiku to FreeBSD bhyve. Two years agoo didn’t work.

It will be good to disabled javascript too.

This is easily done by installing and running hblock on your Haiku system, which helps automate the setup process.

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I did install. Are any settings for it, please?

In script console I have:

:0:0: Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive ‘manifest-src’.

Open a Terminal, type hblock and follow the instructions. If I remember correctly, it will let you choose what you want to block (only ads, or also gambling websites and a few otehr choices of things people may want to block).

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