USB install, "NTLDR is missing"

I was able to install a nightly via CD-ROM on my computer that had one, but now I’m having the same trouble on an ASUS laptop with no CD drive.

NTLDR is missing
Press any key to continue

Anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong? A couple of different nightly releases, dd’d from different computers, have two USB sticks, nothing seems to be working.


That message is from a windows boot sector. Which version of the nightly did you use (anyboot?) and which command line did you use? Are you sure there isn’t some kind of protection on the USB stick?

I think I see the problem - file is too big. The larger of the USB sticks is only 512Mb.
I’m using an anyboot nightly, dd if=haiku-nightly-anyboot.image of=/dev/disk/usb/0/0/raw bs=1M
… and there’s a sort of generic “Invalid argument” error, never noticed that before.

There’s an external CD here, but it’s Apple - apparently won’t function on non-Apple hardware.

OK, succeeded with larger 16Gb USB flash drive, am typing this now from ASUS 1000HE Eee PC.

In case it might help someone else – this one (PNY) configures differently with this machine (Eee PC.) Tipped off by someone with a 701 and this PNY, I went to the disk drive section of the boot setup, where I found the USB listed as the 2nd drive. I moved it to first, then went back to the boot device priorities, where the USB appeared as the disk drive. You can prioritize “removable” all you want, and this PNY won’t get booted, because it’s a disk. Or something.

Meanwhile, I tried an install from CD, onto the old 512Mb USB, since the CD seems to end up about half the size of the anyboot image. That seemed to work fine, made bootable etc., but it’s still an NTLDR missing USB.

OK, succeeded with larger 16Gb USB flash drive, am typing this now from ASUS 1000HE Eee PC.

In case it might help someone else – this one (PNY) configures differently with this machine (Eee PC.) Tipped off by someone with a 701 and this PNY, I went to the disk drive section of the boot setup, where I found the USB listed as the 2nd drive. I moved it to first, then went back to the boot device priorities, where the USB appeared as the disk drive. You can prioritize “removable” all you want, and this PNY won’t get booted, because it’s a disk. Or something.

Meanwhile, I tried an install from CD, onto the old 512Mb USB, since the CD seems to end up about half the size of the anyboot image. That seemed to work fine, made bootable etc., but it’s still an NTLDR missing USB.

OK, succeeded with larger 16Gb USB flash drive, am typing this now from ASUS 1000HE Eee PC.

In case it might help someone else – this one (PNY) configures differently with this machine (Eee PC.) Tipped off by someone with a 701 and this PNY, I went to the disk drive section of the boot setup, where I found the USB listed as the 2nd drive. I moved it to first, then went back to the boot device priorities, where the USB appeared as the disk drive. You can prioritize “removable” all you want, and this PNY won’t get booted, because it’s a disk. Or something.

Meanwhile, I tried an install from CD, onto the old 512Mb USB, since the CD seems to end up about half the size of the anyboot image. That seemed to work fine, made bootable etc., but it’s still an NTLDR missing USB.