Since I just released Drag[en]gine 1.2 I merged master back into the haiku feature branch and finished up the package build script. I used as many libraries as possible from the haiku system (regular or haiku-ports).
I’m still not sure if the path I chose are all correct nor if I did mistakes with the packages. So before I create a receipt for it I would like you folks to have a look at the packages: dragengine-1.2-1-x86.hpkg, dragengine_devel-1.2-1-x86.hpkg
You can get *.delga to test with from here: Drag[en]gine Examples
I would recommend using DSTestProject.delga or DEVideoPlayer.delga unless you have MESA 1.19 (otherwise you get depth bugs).
To run it have a look at the man page of the console launcher: “man delauncher-console”. Basically it’s “delauncher-console run -f filename.delga”