Undefined reference to BApplication

I am trying to compile the code at the bottom of the post, but when I do it says: Undefined reference to BApplication

   // file: funkyapp.h
   class FunkyApplication : public BApplication 
   // file: funkyapp.cpp
   #include "funkyapp.h" 
   int main() 
      // create a new FunkyApplication (inherited from BApplication) object
      FunkyApplication myFunkyApplication;
      // enter the message loop
   // the constructor
      : BApplication("application/x-vnd.funkyapp")
      // we cannot do  BWindow myFunkyWindow(BRect(10,10,210,110), "Funky Title", B_TITLED_WINDOW, NULL ); 
      // like we did with BApplication, because Show() will return immediately. If allocated on the
      // stack, the memory used by myFunkyWindow would be released while in use.
      BWindow* myFunkyWindow = new BWindow(BRect(10,10,210,110), "Funky Title", B_TITLED_WINDOW, NULL ); 
      // make window visible

you need to include on top in the header "funkyapp.h:

#include < Application.h>


and in funkyapp.cpp

#include "funkyapp.h" 

#include < Window.h>

When entering code, please enclose it between the <code> tags so that it displays correctly. :wink:

Sorry, I’m not quite sure what you mean about the includes, I tried reordering them (is that what you meant, I didn’t think it was…):

   // file: funkyapp.cpp

   #include "funkyapp.h"

   int main()
      // create a new FunkyApplication (inherited from BApplication) object

      FunkyApplication myFunkyApplication;

      // enter the message loop



   // the constructor
      : BApplication("application/x-vnd.funkyapp")
      // we cannot do  BWindow myFunkyWindow(BRect(10,10,210,110), "Funky Title", B_TITLED_WINDOW, NULL );
      // like we did with BApplication, because Show() will return immediately. If allocated on the
      // stack, the memory used by myFunkyWindow would be released while in use.

      BWindow* myFunkyWindow = new BWindow(BRect(10,10,210,110), "Funky Title", B_TITLED_WINDOW, NULL );

      // make window visible

// header
   // file: funkyapp.h
   class FunkyApplication : public BApplication