Unable to install haiku in bootcamp

The first alpha I was about to install on my imac using boot camp the 3rd release will restart the whole computer after … loads up after booting from the haiku 3 cd. I cant even get into safemode screen to change anything around. Anyone got any work arounds?

This is little out of my league, but I’ll give it a try.

Sounds like the first (or at least early) step in the boot loader is failing. I think this has changed since alpha 1, and is a work in progress. You should describe your problem in a ticket (search first so you don’t create a duplicate). See ticket #4028 (Hybrid GPT/MBR Initial Program Loader) – Haiku.

You could use the boot loader from alpha 1 (if that one worked), or if there are newer available in the linked ticket, test it. See [haiku-development] haiku_loader never appears on my screen (resolved) - haiku-development - FreeLists.

Note: I am more or less guessing. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can help you.

I’ve been able to boot Haiku on an current iMac (iMac 12,1 iirc, the one with thunderbolt) by booting from either an iso9660 or anyboot CD (I think both worked, but I could remember wrong.) I had to disable ACPI and IO-APIC in the failsafe options, by pressing and holding it, as soon as the CD starts being read from. I had to disable paging for the onscreen debug output, as the usb keyboard doesn’t work during boot. (I’m unsure if this option is there in the R1A3 or if this was with a later build.) I was able to boot from CD successfully a couple of times, and to install to HD. I did a complete wipe of the HD, formatted with an intel-style MBR and installed Haiku and it was bootable. I then wiped again, reinstalled Mac OS X, with the GPT disk format, used Disk Utility and Boot Camp to set up partitions, in some order and got rEFIt to synchronize the GPT and its shadow MBR. It seemed to work okay, but Haiku didn’t seem to like the setup. Or maybe it was some other boot issue entirely. But anyway, I post-poned the experiment and decided on a virtual machine instance instead for now.

I was able to boot Haiku alpha2 on a 2006 Core2Duo iMac. But I never used bootcamp. Instead:

  • Use Disk utility to shrink the Mac HD by 20 GB or so
  • Use Disk Utility to install a FAT partition on the newly created empty space. I suppose it doesn’t have to be FAT, since you are going to reformat it to BFS anyway. But this is what worked for me at the time.
  • Reboot from Haiku CD (Hold down C during bootup IIRC)
  • Install Haiku
  • Reboot to OSX
  • Install rEFIt (http://refit.sourceforge.net/)
  • Reboot

HTH. I haven’t repeated the experiment with Alpha3 since I have a dedicated Haiku laptop now. But if your Mac is of the pre-unibody white plastic variety, just watch out for overheating issues!

I tried repalcing the boot image code with one of the links above using magiciso but when booting it now says unable to boot no active partition found… Could someone make an image of haiku 3 with the newer MBR already loaded?