Tutorial, video stream

sorry for my English


This tutorial wants to explain how to install the PELISALACARTA utility to be able to watch video under stream.

First we will download the following program from the following website:


Then we will create a directory in the following path. Say you can create the directory wherever you want.


Where we will copy the contents of the compressed file.

To execute it, open the terminal and type the following:

/boot/Apps/pelisalacartaHTML> python pelisalacarta.py

Running the above command will output:

Pelisalacarta Iniciado
La URL para acceder es
WebSocket Server iniciado en ws://

Runtime Path : /boot/Apps/pelisalacartaHTML
Data Path : /boot/home/.pelisalacarta
Download Path : /boot/home/.pelisalacarta/Downloads
DownloadList Path : /boot/home/.pelisalacarta/Downloads/List
Bookmark Path : /boot/home/.pelisalacarta/Favorites
Library Path : /boot/home/.pelisalacarta/Library

No hay conexiones

We open WebPositive in the URL we type

With this will be executed the application having access to the content streaming.

Thank you