Trying BeOS/Haiku: VMWare?


I’m trying to make my BeOS PE Max 5 work under vmware, but there’s a problem with the networking: on any configuration (dhcp or whatever), when restarting the service I get a ``a network interface failed to initialize’’.

Weird, it seems BeOS sees two network interfaces, a 3com and a NE2000. Has anyone got networking?

PS. Sound will come later… I don’t really need it for my purposes :smiley:

senseiwa wrote:

I’m trying to make my BeOS PE Max 5 work under vmware, but there’s a problem with the networking: on any configuration (dhcp or whatever), when restarting the service I get a ``a network interface failed to initialize’'.

Weird, it seems BeOS sees two network interfaces, a 3com and a NE2000. Has anyone got networking?

PS. Sound will come later… I don’t really need it for my purposes :smiley:

/me wishes Be had never put that option there

Those network interfaces are NOT seen. They are options for addng plug and play ISA cards.

The VMWare networking adapter is not supported. End of.

I know VPC works … if that helps.

MYOB wrote:
senseiwa wrote:

I’m trying to make my BeOS PE Max 5 work under vmware, but there’s a problem with the networking: on any configuration (dhcp or whatever), when restarting the service I get a ``a network interface failed to initialize’'.

Weird, it seems BeOS sees two network interfaces, a 3com and a NE2000. Has anyone got networking?

PS. Sound will come later… I don’t really need it for my purposes :smiley:

/me wishes Be had never put that option there

Those network interfaces are NOT seen. They are options for addng plug and play ISA cards.

The VMWare networking adapter is not supported. End of.

Does VMWare emulate any chipset specifically, or is it their own proprietary “card” and drivers?

I can’t see how they would provide a PC emulation product without distributing at least a “reference driver” somewhere that OS vendors could use to provide VMWare networking support…

umccullough wrote:
MYOB wrote:
senseiwa wrote:

I’m trying to make my BeOS PE Max 5 work under vmware, but there’s a problem with the networking: on any configuration (dhcp or whatever), when restarting the service I get a ``a network interface failed to initialize’'.

Weird, it seems BeOS sees two network interfaces, a 3com and a NE2000. Has anyone got networking?

PS. Sound will come later… I don’t really need it for my purposes :smiley:

/me wishes Be had never put that option there

Those network interfaces are NOT seen. They are options for addng plug and play ISA cards.

The VMWare networking adapter is not supported. End of.

Does VMWare emulate any chipset specifically, or is it their own proprietary “card” and drivers?

I can’t see how they would provide a PC emulation product without distributing at least a “reference driver” somewhere that OS vendors could use to provide VMWare networking support…

Its own ‘card’, for which they provide OSS Windows and Linux drivers.

Same for video and I think sound

MYOB wrote:
Its own 'card', for which they provide OSS Windows and Linux drivers.

Same for video and I think sound

sensei@quantum:source> ls -l
total 848
-r–r–r-- 1 root root 542720 2004-06-10 20:33 vmmon.tar
-r–r–r-- 1 root root 256000 2004-06-10 20:33 vmnet.tar
-r–r–r-- 1 root root 51200 2004-06-10 20:33 vmppuser.tar

They do. I was thinking about porting dhcpcd to haiku… may I talk with the network guys?