Touch pad not working

Hi everyone
Thank you for making haiku.
I’ve been a haiku lurker for a very long time and always give the latest addition a try, this time I have to report that the touch pad on my Lenovo laptop is not working, it’s an Lenovo IdeaPad core i3.
Also the touch pad buttons do not work.
Please don’t reply to this post, it’s really just a note for the admins or whoever deals with hardware issues.

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But I have to answer this, because it’s nice to get information about errors, but this belongs in the bug tracker and not in the forum. Also, various information is missing, so no one can do anything with it.

No worries, please let me know what information you require and if I can I will provide it.

Regards gaz

Is it the same as this one? Check it and if so, a full syslog may be helpful. If someone takes it and needs something else, they’ll ask in the ticket.

Yes it is the same. I didn’t have the laptop when 1.4 was released, so looks like the same issue is reccuring with 1.5.

I was able to bring up a terminal with ‘control t’ I think, so if you give me instructions/commands I can relay the output back to you.


just a simple thing to check - that was a prob in my case:

most laptops with a touch pad have a function key combination to turn touch pads on or off:

[Fn] and [F7]

Not me, to the issue. I wouldn’t know what to do with it.

Both the welcome guide and the wiki in the issues tracking site have a section on bug reporting. In particular, you can find the syslog in /system/var/log/syslog. Notice it rotates when it gets to certain size, so if there are only a few lines there you will also want to get syslog.old from the same directory.