Tiny Haiku computer


Would you mind posting a link to such a converter, please?

Another question. How are you connecting more disks to the motherboard?

Thank you.

Search for 04X2752 and it comes right up. Looks like this


Yes, mine is similar.

You can use the SATA port and the NVME port(s). The Q series got one NVME m.2 slot while the X series got 2.
You can also install an SSD in the WLAN m.2 slot using an adapter.
And obviously you can attach external disks via USB.

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What is DP? Anyone knows what it is good for?

From Wikipedia:
Is a digital display interface developed by a consortium of PC and chip manufacturers and standardized by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). It is primarily used to connect a video source to a display device such as a computer monitor. It can also carry audio, USB, and other forms of data.

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HDMI needs to be licensed (by the manufacturer), DP is the free to use alternative.

(I use both.)


Didn’t know about that difference.
I’ll prefer DisplayPort from now on!
Thank you.


I seen the DisplayPort before in my work environments (not used), but all my TVs and monitors use HDMI, VGA, and RCA video components. Some of my monitors also have DVI ports. Yet to ever use DP…not as common yet–prefer HDMI.

DisplayPort to HDMI leads exist. My 4K monitors only have 1 DisplayPort and 2 HDMI ports, so I have my USB-C dock attacked with DisplayPort. My MacMini is connected with HDMI and mini-DisplayPort to HDMI to avoid having to plug and unplug stuff in to the monitor. So MacMini still gets dual monitors.

I already posted in the topic to list the hardware.
Bought a used Lenovo ThinkCenter m720q to run Haiku exclusively and I’m really happy with both the hardware and software.

Neoware CA21 works well with a bigger flash module or EIDE laptop HDD


Is this one listed in our hardware database?

If not please add them here, so we can add the infomations about it.

Please add this one to our hardware info site, so we can add it to our hardware database.

Have you got a script to run to get the info?

(If you have, more people would no doubt add their info.)

Yes i have:

On our repository server software.besly.de but you does no get the names of the hardware, people can look into shops to buy it, using it.


FF won’t let me access that website, misconfigured or something…

I figured it out yesterday, maybe maintenance?

Your SSL certificate has expired!

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I use the Fujitsu Futro S550 (32 bits) donated by a friend.All works fine (Even the PS/2 and ethernet ports)

With the maximun CF card storage (16gb) and the maximun RAM (2 GB) with the last nightly since september without problems :slight_smile:

Datasheet: https://sp.ts.fujitsu.com/dmsp/Publications/public/ds-futro-s550.pdf