There is, really, no spoon?

I guess that the kid from “The Matrix” was wrong after all.

Someone from BeOSAires have found the spoon microkernel.

Durand John Miller, from South Africa, seems to be working on yet another BeOS-like OS (to some extent at least), or so it seems judging from this page (note the mentions to “libbe”, “app_server”, “input_server”, “NewOS”, BeAPI etc., etc.).

You can see some screenshots there too.

So… there you have it: “There is a spoon” :slight_smile:

Heh… I like his attempt, but he definitely needs somebody to help him on the look of those windows :stuck_out_tongue: (though his project is far from finished)

I’ll stick with Haiku (no matter how much I don’t like the name). Haiku is the future - or perhaps I’m just in love :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

I would love to make an OS from scratch like that… problem is, I cant find any information on it… (such is how to code an app that actually interfaces with hardware… it seems this is like a trade secret or something… you have to offer sacrifices to bill gates and steve jobs or something to get any information on that kind of code)

It sounds like you want to look at which has various resources for people wanting to start their own OS from scratch. I’ve been looking at it a bit as I’ve started my own OS :wink: I notice though they still expect one to eventually have shells and such, whereas I’m going for something a bit different, so I specifically will not have any command line, or POSIX layer.

Mr.Jones wrote: matter how much I don't like the name..

i don’t like the name either. but seems promissing.

fanton wrote:
Mr.Jones wrote: matter how much I don't like the name..

i don’t like the name either. but seems promissing.

Haiku will shine bright.
The world will stand and marvel.
Glory in the thought.

See… Haiku is great…