Theme: Ingenuity

Take a look. I found his design intriguing.

The forum entry:

Screen of concept:

can I get a sticky? j/k

I don’t like it. One of the greatest things about BeOS when the tracker is in its default position of top right is that allows for the largest amount of screen space for the application while still making the tracker easily accessible.

Where exactly is the mockup? I see only text and a logo?

Takes up too much screen space on current monitors. Bill Gates said that Microsoft’s plan for the new sidebar in Longhorn is for it to be embraced along with wide-screen monitors. Once we all have a few more inches to play with, features like that will be more usable.
Now if it could be a replicant in the Desktop (like Samurize), that would be different…

Screen space–that’s the thing, though. It’s much easier to read skinnier text blocks than fat ones, so this fits to most textual applications at least. This is part of why newspapers get read more than books IMO. They’re much easier to skim and even to properly speedread.

For graphics design and other non-vertical applications, I’d totally recommend full screen options. But for most browsing and such, this should at least be an option.

Join the GE list and see the debates on usability. Or we can rehash them here if you’d like. :slight_smile:



I posted a reply to Kevs post setting forth a few ideas on the matter of those who wish to stay fast to the “traditional” configurations, but, you must admit sir, there is a definite usabillity about the concept, no? Think: “user preference(s).” :wink:


What you see is only a loose expression of an Idea, no Implementation yet exists.


Sir, your mention of Samurize begs anther post, I’ll get a response out soon.

Ooh…I just checked out the screenshots of Samurize. Me likely. :slight_smile:

Replicants are exactly how I’d want it to be implemented. The Deskbar would be little more than a BShelf that does things like make replicants the same width and non-overlapping, pretty much like what it does now but with vertical resizing capabilites (depending on the replicant) and support for bigger replicants.

Of course, you could easily chop half the stuff of the leftmost column and put the Apps replicant (the right column) over there. This is just the way I’d set it up. The question is, though, depending on your resolution, what are you going to do with that extra column of space? Most web pages would just turn it white anyway. Unless you were going for two pages side-by-side. That’d be cool too.


Yeah, that would be tight.

Wait, I need to take up the “Yeah, but blah blah blah naysay naysay.” space…ok, good enough? Lets collaberate…

I think now I understand the concept. :oops:

I wonder what Stubear(?) the guy doing the R2 mockups is doing?

BTW, can you imagine the current setup (with regards to the Windows screenshot in the other thread) on widescreen? I think I’d involuntarily throw up. There would be SO much whitespace and SO little content, even Microsoft would find it ridiculous. No wonder they’re doing something different for Longhorn in tandem with their newest hardware conspiracy of widescreen monitors. :wink:


it’s an interesting alternative gui, but I wouldn’t use it as the shell… I might use something like that when reading pages or using the middle panel to watch tv or something, but not for normal computing.