The state of WebPositive

…seems to be splendid!

I installed Haiku on a hitherto unused drive in my desktop computer a few days back. The last time I had used Haiku was during the Beta 3 era, as far as I can remember. I had contributed a bit back then, made some bug reports, but generally did not stick around for too long because having it on a spare laptop meant I wouldn’t use it too much in my day-to-day.
I vowed to change it this time and daily-drive it for everything non-mission critical, such as my novel writing, academic work and recreational web surfing.

And well, uh, I just ordered food via WebPositive and paid online (PayPal), and there were no issues whatsoever, not even visual bugs! Granted, they made me do like five different captchas, receive two 2FA codes on my e-mail and my phone, and they even made me change my password because apparently “WebPositive on Haiku” is a suspicious user agent, but it worked without any kind of browser issues I encountered.

I even got notifications and a live map of the driver as he was on the way to my place, everything neatly integrated natively into my system (the notifications, that is).

Big kudos to the maintainers of WebPositive, it must have been a gigantic effort to get to this point. Thank you!



Nice to get some positive feedback ; )


It does tell you a lot about the state of the net these days when you try and browser from something just slightly unusual. Lost track of how many sites and CDN providers thought I was a bot the other day.


I’ve been using WebPositive a lot more since recent updates and I have to say it’s really doing the job, mostly. I can access my most used websites (social media stuff) without issues. Even the sites that use stuff like Disqus appear to be working. For Youtube I use other things.

Some observations however: WebPositive appears to slow down significantly after a few hours of use. Closing it and re-starting it restores it’s speed.

Also, I was trying to set up a proxy with Privoxy (for ad blocking). It doesn’t appear to work with WebPositive…are the proxy settings active right now? It DOES work with Falkon.

Regardless, WebPositive is really shaping up. Falkon crashes if you look at it sideways but I haven’t had WebPositive crash in quite a while.

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