TeXLive on x86_64?

Indeed I am still working on that recipe. I have added one more pull request to split the texmf part into its own recipe, so that it can be a real “any” architecture package without having to deal with secondary architecture stuff. That should also fix the remaining problems of the existing recipe.

I have also started to think about how to split the texmf up into individual packages for the different “collections” in TeXLive, keeping the individual packages at a sane size. I have started writing a few scripts to generate the necessary parts for recipe (see Haiku texlive packaging scripts · GitHub), but I still have to put them together into the recipe and test it.

I am currently wondering whether haikuporter recipes can be “dynamic” enough to generate parts of them that depend on extracted sources. Theoretically it could be possible, because the build packages are only activated after the PATCH part but in practice, it is probably not so easy. Maybe we should just commit the generated part also in the haikuports Git repo if it doesn’t work otherwise.