I think to install R1/Beta2 on my old netbook (currently I sometimes run it from live usb). But the absence of TeXlive is the showstopper. To use this netbook daily, I need emacs, pdflatex (with lots of latex packages) and a pdf viewer.
I see some very old recipe in haikuports, and I found some discussions, also mainly quite old. What’s the current status?
Nothing new, feel free to fix/update the old recipe in HaikuPorts.
Let’s add some info about the current status even if it’s nothing new.
TexLive is big, and the way it was packaged results in a single multi-gigabyte package. This is not great, because, quite often, you don’t need all of it. For example in Debian it is split in several smaller parts.
So, the recipe should be updated to do something like that (one single recipe can generate multiple packages), or maybe even the recipe should be split into multiple smaller and more manageable recipes.
I think all it needs is someone a bit familiar with Texlive internals or willing to learn more about it.
For me it took about 2 days to build TexLive (old recipe), still have the packages around (for 32bit and 64bit), but haven’t found a way to push it to a more recent version (as @extrowerk already tried)
I have tried to update the package to TexLive 2020 now, but I did not get it to work correctly yet. But I have pushed the changes to my fork of haikuports for now, if anyone wants to take a look: https://github.com/jmairboeck/haikuports/tree/texlive/app-text/texlive
It basically builds, but fails somewhere at the install stage. Probably the installer scripts need some patches too. It is still very much “work in progress”.
I have updated the recipe quite a bit to use external libraries where feasible and make it not use SVN anymore but a tarball of texlive’s CTAN archive instead.
Indeed, this package is way too big to be actually useful as such. It should probably be split up somehow. But I am not sure if this can be done with haikuporter as such.
You can use subpackages. Check the gcc recipe for some hints.
Yes, that would maybe be possible to split it into a few sensible chunks. But the question is, how to define these chunks (what to put in each package). The opensuse buildservice has a script which generates RPM spec files out of the tlpdb file (the downloadable index of CTAN). It results in a few thousand individual RPM packages though (see https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Publishing:TeXLive/Meta). That would probably be too many small packages …
Would be nice to know upfront what the errors are at the end when “install” chips in, doing a local build (I’ve got one for 32bit and 64bit available locally) takes about 2 days here
For huge TeX archive, the core executable and libraries are only ~45 MB (texlive-minimal
or texlive-standard
package in Linux), all the rest are packages, which are architecture agnostic and can be considered as data.
There are already several examples of package-as-data approach in popular software with application own package manager. An example is Emacs. Its extensions on Linux can be installed as Linux packages with package manager or as Emacs packages with Emacs itself. Another example is MikTeX with similar functionality. I believe TeXLive also has the package manager and CTAN can be used as package repository.
In Gentoo, for example, TeXLive-2020 consists of the package texlive-core (which contains all programs needing compilation) and 38 packages with texlive modules. The sources of these packages are a large number of texlive-module-foo.tar.xz files. The packages and modules in them are (I omit pure documentation modules and some other details):
amsfonts bibtex cm colorprofiles ec enctex etex etex-pkg graphics-def hyph-utf8 hyphenex ifplatform iftex knuth-lib knuth-local lua-alt-getopt luahbtex luatex makeindex metafont mflogo mfware modes pdftex plain tex tex-ini-files texlive-common texlive-docindex texlive-en texlive-msg-translations tlshell unicode-data updmap-map collection-basic
aaai-named aichej ajl amsrefs annotate apacite apalike2 archaeologie authordate beebe besjournals bestpapers bib2gls bibarts biber bibexport bibhtml biblatex-abnt biblatex-ajc2020unofficial biblatex-anonymous biblatex-apa biblatex-apa6 biblatex-archaeology biblatex-arthistory-bonn biblatex-bath biblatex-bookinarticle biblatex-bookinother biblatex-bwl biblatex-caspervector biblatex-chem biblatex-chicago biblatex-claves biblatex-dw biblatex-enc biblatex-ext biblatex-fiwi biblatex-gb7714-2015 biblatex-german-legal biblatex-gost biblatex-historian biblatex-ieee biblatex-ijsra biblatex-iso690 biblatex-jura2 biblatex-juradiss biblatex-lni biblatex-luh-ipw biblatex-manuscripts-philology biblatex-mla biblatex-morenames biblatex-multiple-dm biblatex-musuos biblatex-nature biblatex-nejm biblatex-nottsclassic biblatex-opcit-booktitle biblatex-oxref biblatex-philosophy biblatex-phys biblatex-publist biblatex-realauthor biblatex-sbl biblatex-science biblatex-shortfields biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin biblatex-source-division biblatex-subseries biblatex-swiss-legal biblatex-trad biblatex-true-citepages-omit biblatex2bibitem biblist bibtexperllibs bibtopic bibtopicprefix bibunits biolett-bst bookdb breakcites cell chbibref chicago chicagoa chicago-annote chembst chscite citeall citeref collref compactbib crossrefware custom-bib din1505 dk-bib doipubmed ecobiblatex econ-bst economic fbs figbib footbib francais-bst gbt7714 geschichtsfrkl harvard harvmac historische-zeitschrift icite ietfbibs ijqc inlinebib iopart-num is-bst jbact jmb jneurosci jurabib ksfh_nat ltb2bib listbib logreq luabibentry margbib multibib multibibliography munich nar nmbib notes2bib notex-bst oscola perception plainyr pnas2009 rsc showtags sort-by-letters splitbib turabian-formatting uni-wtal-ger uni-wtal-lin urlbst usebib vak windycity xcite zootaxa-bst collection-bibtexextra
context jmn context-notes-zh-cn npp-for-context context-account context-algorithmic context-animation context-annotation context-bnf context-chromato context-cmscbf context-cmttbf context-construction-plan context-cyrillicnumbers context-degrade context-fancybreak context-filter context-french context-fullpage context-gantt context-gnuplot context-handlecsv context-inifile context-layout context-letter context-lettrine context-mathsets context-rst context-ruby context-simplefonts context-simpleslides context-title context-transliterator context-typearea context-typescripts context-vim context-visualcounter collection-context
Asana-Math academicons accanthis adforn adfsymbols alegreya algolrevived allrunes almendra almfixed anonymouspro antiqua antt archaic arev arimo asapsym ascii-font aspectratio astro augie auncial-new aurical b1encoding barcodes baskervald baskervaldx baskervillef bbding bbm bbm-macros bbold bbold-type1 belleek bera berenisadf beuron bguq bitter blacklettert1 boisik bookhands boondox braille brushscr cabin caladea calligra calligra-type1 cantarell carlito carolmin-ps ccicons cfr-initials cfr-lm cherokee chivo cinzel clara clearsans cm-lgc cm-mf-extra-bold cm-unicode cmbright cmexb cmll cmpica cmsrb cmtiup cmupint cochineal coelacanth comfortaa comicneue concmath-fonts cookingsymbols cormorantgaramond countriesofeurope courier-scaled crimson crimsonpro cryst cuprum cyklop dancers dantelogo dejavu dejavu-otf dice dictsym dingbat domitian doublestroke dozenal drm droid dsserif duerer duerer-latex dutchcal ean ebgaramond ebgaramond-maths ecc eco eiad eiad-ltx electrum elvish epigrafica epsdice erewhon erewhon-math esrelation esstix esvect etbb eulervm euxm fbb fdsymbol fetamont feyn fge fira firamath firamath-otf foekfont fonetika fontawesome fontawesome5 fontmfizz fonts-churchslavonic forum fourier fouriernc frcursive frederika2016 garamond-libre garamond-math genealogy gentium-tug gfsartemisia gfsbodoni gfscomplutum gfsdidot gfsdidotclassic gfsneohellenic gfsneohellenicmath gfssolomos gillcm gillius gnu-freefont gofonts gothic greenpoint grotesq hacm hands heuristica hfbright hfoldsty ifsym imfellenglish inconsolata initials inriafonts ipaex-type1 iwona jablantile jamtimes junicode kixfont kpfonts kurier lato lexend lfb libertine libertinegc libertinus libertinus-fonts libertinus-otf libertinus-type1 libertinust1math librebaskerville librebodoni librecaslon librefranklin libris linearA linguisticspro lobster2 logix lxfonts ly1 marcellus mathabx mathabx-type1 mathdesign mdputu mdsymbol merriweather miama mintspirit missaali mnsymbol montserrat mpfonts mweights newcomputermodern newpx newtx newtxsf newtxtt niceframe-type1 nimbus15 nkarta noto noto-emoji obnov ocherokee ocr-b ocr-b-outline ogham oinuit old-arrows oldlatin oldstandard opensans orkhun overlock pacioli paratype phaistos phonetic pigpen playfair plex plex-otf poiretone poltawski prodint punk punk-latex punknova pxtxalfa qualitype quattrocento raleway recycle roboto romande rosario rsfso sansmathaccent sansmathfonts sauter sauterfonts scholax schulschriften semaphor shobhika skull sourcecodepro sourcesanspro sourceserifpro starfont staves step stickstoo stix stix2-otf stix2-type1 superiors svrsymbols tapir tempora tengwarscript tfrupee theanodidot theanomodern theanooldstyle tinos tpslifonts trajan twemoji-colr txfontsb txuprcal typicons umtypewriter universa universalis uppunctlm urwchancal venturisadf wsuipa xcharter xits yfonts yfonts-t1 yinit-otf zlmtt collection-fontsextra
avantgar bookman charter cm-super cmextra courier euro euro-ce eurosym fpl helvetic lm lm-math marvosym mathpazo manfnt-font mflogo-font ncntrsbk palatino pxfonts rsfs symbol tex-gyre tex-gyre-math times tipa txfonts utopia wasy wasy-type1 wasysym zapfchan zapfding collection-fontsrecommended
accfonts afm2pl dosepsbin epstopdf fontware lcdftypetools metatype1 ps2pk ps2eps psutils dvipsconfig fontinst fontools mf2pt1 t1utils collection-fontutils
edmac eplain jadetex lollipop mltex psizzl startex texsis xmltex xmltexconfig aleph antomega lambda mxedruli omega omegaware otibet passivetex collection-formatsextra
bartel-chess-fonts chess chess-problem-diagrams chessboard chessfss crossword crosswrd egameps gamebook go hanoi havannah hexgame hmtrump horoscop jigsaw labyrinth logicpuzzle musikui onedown othello othelloboard pas-crosswords psgo reverxii rubik schwalbe-chess sgame skak skaknew soup sudoku sudokubundle xq xskak collection-games
adtrees bibleref bibleref-lds bibleref-mouth bibleref-parse covington diadia dramatist dvgloss ecltree edfnotes ednotes eledform eledmac expex gb4e gmverse jura juraabbrev juramisc jurarsp ledmac lexikon lexref ling-macros linguex liturg metrix parallel parrun phonrule plari play poemscol poetry poetrytex qobitree qtree reledmac rrgtrees rtklage screenplay screenplay-pkg sides stage textglos theatre thalie tree-dvips verse xyling collection-humanities
alkalami alpha-persian amiri arabi arabi-add arabluatex arabtex bidi bidihl dad ghab hyphen-arabic hyphen-farsi imsproc kurdishlipsum lshort-persian luabidi na-box persian-bib sexam simurgh tram xepersian xepersian-hm collection-langarabic
arphic arphic-ttf asymptote-by-example-zh-cn asymptote-faq-zh-cn asymptote-manual-zh-cn cns ctex ctex-faq fandol fduthesis hyphen-chinese impatient-cn latex-notes-zh-cn lshort-chinese nanicolle njurepo pgfornament-han texlive-zh-cn texproposal xtuthesis upzhkinsoku xpinyin zhlineskip zhlipsum zhmetrics zhmetrics-uptex zhnumber zhspacing collection-langchinese
adobemapping c90 cjk cjk-gs-integrate cjkpunct cjkutils dnp garuda-c90 fixjfm jfmutil norasi-c90 pxtatescale xcjk2uni zxjafont collection-langcjk
babel-belarusian babel-bulgarian babel-russian babel-serbian babel-serbianc babel-ukrainian churchslavonic cmcyr cyrillic cyrillic-bin cyrplain disser eskd eskdx gost hyphen-belarusian hyphen-bulgarian hyphen-churchslavonic hyphen-mongolian hyphen-russian hyphen-serbian hyphen-ukrainian lcyw lh lhcyr lshort-bulgarian lshort-mongol lshort-russian lshort-ukr mongolian-babel montex mpman-ru numnameru pst-eucl-translation-bg ruhyphen russ serbian-apostrophe serbian-date-lat serbian-def-cyr serbian-lig t2 texlive-ru texlive-sr ukrhyph xecyrmongolian collection-langcyrillic
babel-czech babel-slovak cnbwp cs csbulletin cslatex csplain cstex hyphen-czech hyphen-slovak lshort-czech lshort-slovak texlive-cz collection-langczechslovak
hyphen-english MemoirChapStyles Type1fonts amscls-doc amslatex-primer around-the-bend ascii-chart biblatex-cheatsheet components-of-TeX comprehensive dickimaw docsurvey dtxtut first-latex-doc forest-quickstart gentle guide-to-latex happy4th impatient intro-scientific knuth l2tabu-english latex-brochure latex-course latex-doc-ptr latex-graphics-companion latex-refsheet latex-veryshortguide latex-web-companion latex2e-help-texinfo latex4wp latexcheat latexcourse-rug latexfileinfo-pkgs lshort-english macros2e math-e math-into-latex-4 maths-symbols memdesign metafont-beginners metapost-examples patgen2-tutorial pictexsum plain-doc presentations-en short-math-guide simplified-latex svg-inkscape tabulars-e tamethebeast tds tex-font-errors-cheatsheet tex-overview tex-refs texbytopic texonly titlepages tlc2 undergradmath visualfaq webguide xetexref collection-langenglish
armtex babel-albanian babel-bosnian babel-breton babel-croatian babel-danish babel-dutch babel-estonian babel-finnish babel-friulan babel-hungarian babel-icelandic babel-irish babel-kurmanji babel-latin babel-latvian babel-macedonian babel-norsk babel-occitan babel-piedmontese babel-romanian babel-romansh babel-samin babel-scottish babel-slovenian babel-swedish babel-turkish babel-welsh finbib gloss-occitan hrlatex hulipsum hyphen-croatian hyphen-danish hyphen-dutch hyphen-estonian hyphen-finnish hyphen-friulan hyphen-hungarian hyphen-icelandic hyphen-irish hyphen-kurmanji hyphen-latin hyphen-latvian hyphen-lithuanian hyphen-macedonian hyphen-norwegian hyphen-occitan hyphen-piedmontese hyphen-romanian hyphen-romansh hyphen-slovenian hyphen-swedish hyphen-turkish hyphen-uppersorbian hyphen-welsh lithuanian lshort-dutch lshort-estonian lshort-finnish lshort-slovenian lshort-turkish nevelok swebib turkmen collection-langeuropean
aeguill apprendre-a-programmer-en-tex apprends-latex babel-basque babel-french basque-book basque-date bib-fr bibleref-french booktabs-fr droit-fr e-french epslatex-fr expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019 facture formation-latex-ul frenchmath frletter hyphen-basque hyphen-french impatient-fr impnattypo l2tabu-french latex2e-help-texinfo-fr lshort-french mafr tabvar tdsfrmath texlive-fr translation-array-fr translation-dcolumn-fr translation-natbib-fr translation-tabbing-fr variations visualtikz collection-langfrench
apalike-german babel-german bibleref-german booktabs-de csquotes-de dehyph dehyph-exptl dhua einfuehrung einfuehrung2 etdipa etoolbox-de fifinddo-info german germbib germkorr hausarbeit-jura hyphen-german koma-script-examples l2picfaq l2tabu latex-bib-ex latex-bib2-ex latex-referenz latex-tabellen latexcheat-de lshort-german lualatex-doc-de microtype-de milog presentations r_und_s schulmathematik templates-fenn templates-sommer termcal-de texlive-de tipa-de translation-arsclassica-de translation-biblatex-de translation-chemsym-de translation-ecv-de translation-enumitem-de translation-europecv-de translation-filecontents-de translation-moreverb-de udesoftec uhrzeit umlaute voss-mathcol collection-langgerman
babel-greek begingreek betababel cbfonts cbfonts-fd gfsbaskerville gfsporson greek-fontenc greek-inputenc greekdates greektex greektonoi hyphen-greek hyphen-ancientgreek ibycus-babel ibygrk kerkis levy lgreek mkgrkindex teubner xgreek yannisgr collection-langgreek
amsldoc-it amsmath-it amsthdoc-it babel-italian codicefiscaleitaliano fancyhdr-it fixltxhyph frontespizio hyphen-italian itnumpar l2tabu-italian latex4wp-it layaureo lshort-italian psfrag-italian texlive-it verifica collection-langitalian
ascmac babel-japanese bxbase bxcjkjatype bxghost bxjaholiday bxjalipsum bxjaprnind bxjatoucs bxjscls bxorigcapt bxwareki convbkmk endnotesj gentombow haranoaji haranoaji-extra ifptex ifxptex ipaex japanese-otf japanese-otf-uptex jlreq jsclasses lshort-japanese luatexja mendex-doc morisawa pbibtex-base platex platex-tools platexcheat plautopatch ptex ptex-base ptex-fontmaps ptex-fonts ptex-manual ptex2pdf pxbase pxchfon pxcjkcat pxjahyper pxjodel pxrubrica pxufont texlive-ja uplatex uptex uptex-base uptex-fonts wadalab zxjafbfont zxjatype collection-langjapanese
baekmuk cjk-ko kotex-oblivoir kotex-plain kotex-utf kotex-utils lshort-korean nanumtype1 pmhanguljamo uhc unfonts-core unfonts-extra collection-langkorean
amsldoc-vn aramaic-serto hyphen-armenian babel-azerbaijani babel-esperanto babel-georgian babel-hebrew babel-indonesian babel-interlingua babel-malay babel-sorbian babel-thai babel-vietnamese bangtex bengali burmese cjhebrew ctib ebong ethiop ethiop-t1 fc fonts-tlwg hyphen-afrikaans hyphen-coptic hyphen-esperanto hyphen-ethiopic hyphen-georgian hyphen-indic hyphen-indonesian hyphen-interlingua hyphen-sanskrit hyphen-thai hyphen-turkmen latex-mr latexbangla latino-sine-flexione lshort-thai lshort-vietnamese ntheorem-vn padauk quran-ur sanskrit sanskrit-t1 thaienum thaispec unicode-alphabets velthuis vntex wnri wnri-latex xetex-devanagari collection-langother
babel-polish bredzenie cc-pl gustlib gustprog hyphen-polish lshort-polish mex mwcls pl polski przechlewski-book qpxqtx tap tex-virtual-academy-pl texlive-pl utf8mex collection-langpolish
babel-portuges beamer-tut-pt cursolatex feupphdteses hyphen-portuguese latex-via-exemplos latexcheat-ptbr lshort-portuguese numberpt ordinalpt xypic-tut-pt collection-langportuguese
babel-catalan babel-galician babel-spanish es-tex-faq hyphen-catalan hyphen-galician hyphen-spanish l2tabu-spanish latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish latexcheat-esmx lshort-spanish texlive-es collection-langspanish
ae amscls amsmath atbegshi atveryend auxhook babel babel-english babelbib bigintcalc bitset bookmark carlisle colortbl epstopdf-pkg etexcmds fancyhdr fix2col geometry gettitlestring graphics graphics-cfg grfext hycolor hyperref intcalc kvdefinekeys kvoptions kvsetkeys l3backend l3kernel latex latex-bin latex-fonts latexconfig letltxmacro ltxcmds ltxmisc mfnfss mptopdf natbib oberdiek pdfescape pslatex psnfss pspicture refcount rerunfilecheck stringenc tools uniquecounter url collection-latex
2up ESIEEcv GS1 HA-prosper Tabbing a0poster a4wide a5comb abraces abstract accessibility accsupp achemso acro acronym acroterm actuarialangle actuarialsymbol addfont addlines adjmulticol adjustbox adrconv advdate akktex akletter alertmessage alnumsec alphalph altfont amsaddr animate anonchap answers anyfontsize appendix appendixnumberbeamer apptools arabicfront arcs arraycols arrayjobx arraysort arydshln asciilist askinclude assignment assoccnt atenddvi attachfile aurl authoraftertitle authorarchive authorindex autofancyhdr autonum autopdf avremu axessibility background bankstatement bashful basicarith bchart beamer2thesis beamer-rl beameraudience beamerauxtheme beamercolorthemeowl beamerdarkthemes beamerposter beamersubframe beamertheme-cuerna beamertheme-detlevcm beamertheme-epyt beamertheme-focus beamertheme-light beamertheme-metropolis beamertheme-npbt beamertheme-phnompenh beamertheme-saintpetersburg beamertheme-upenn-bc beamerthemejltree beamerthemenirma bearwear beton bewerbung bez123 bhcexam bibletext bigfoot bigints biochemistry-colors bizcard blindtext blkarray block blowup bnumexpr boites bold-extra bookcover bookest booklet boolexpr bophook boxedminipage boxedminipage2e boxhandler bracketkey braket breakurl bullcntr bxcalc bxdpx-beamer bxdvidriver bxenclose bxnewfont bxpapersize bxpdfver bxtexlogo calcage calctab calculator calrsfs cals calxxxx-yyyy cancel canoniclayout capt-of captcont captdef carbohydrates cases casyl catchfile catchfilebetweentags catechis catoptions cbcoptic ccaption cclicenses cd cd-cover cdpbundl cellprops cellspace censor centeredline changebar changelayout changelog changepage changes chappg chapterfolder cheatsheet checkend chet chextras childdoc chkfloat chletter chngcntr chronology circ circledsteps classics classpack clefval cleveref clipboard clock cloze clrdblpg clrstrip cmdstring cmdtrack cmsd cnltx cntformats cntperchap codedoc codepage codesection collcell collectbox colophon colordoc colorinfo coloring colorspace colortab colorwav colorweb colourchange combelow combine comma commado commedit comment competences concepts concprog constants continue contour contracard conv-xkv cooking cooking-units cool coollist coolstr coolthms cooltooltips coordsys copyedit copyrightbox coseoul counttexruns courseoutline coursepaper coverpage cprotect crbox crossreference crossreftools csquotes css-colors csvmerge csvsimple cuisine currency currfile currvita cutwin cv cv4tw cweb-latex cyber cybercic dashbox dashrule dashundergaps dataref datatool dateiliste datenumber datetime datetime2 datetime2-bahasai datetime2-basque datetime2-breton datetime2-bulgarian datetime2-catalan datetime2-croatian datetime2-czech datetime2-danish datetime2-dutch datetime2-en-fulltext datetime2-english datetime2-esperanto datetime2-estonian datetime2-finnish datetime2-french datetime2-galician datetime2-german datetime2-greek datetime2-hebrew datetime2-icelandic datetime2-irish datetime2-italian datetime2-it-fulltext datetime2-latin datetime2-lsorbian datetime2-magyar datetime2-norsk datetime2-polish datetime2-portuges datetime2-romanian datetime2-russian datetime2-samin datetime2-scottish datetime2-serbian datetime2-slovak datetime2-slovene datetime2-spanish datetime2-swedish datetime2-turkish datetime2-ukrainian datetime2-usorbian datetime2-welsh dblfloatfix decimal decorule delimtxt denisbdoc diagbox diagnose dialogl dichokey dinbrief directory dirtytalk dlfltxb dnaseq doclicense docmfp docmute doctools documentation doi dotarrow dotlessi dotseqn download dox dpfloat dprogress drac draftcopy draftfigure draftwatermark dtk dtxdescribe dtxgallery duckuments ducksay dvdcoll dynamicnumber dynblocks ean13isbn easy easy-todo easyfig easyformat easylist easyreview ebezier ecclesiastic ecv ed edmargin eemeir efbox egplot ehhline elegantbook elegantnote elegantpaper elements ellipsis elmath elocalloc elpres elzcards emarks embedall embedfile embrac emptypage emulateapj endfloat endheads endnotes engpron engrec enotez enumitem enumitem-zref envbig environ envlab epigraph epiolmec eqell eqlist eqnalign eqname eqparbox errata erw-l3 esami esdiff esindex esint esint-type1 etaremune etextools etoc eukdate eulerpx europasscv europecv everyhook everypage exam exam-n exam-randomizechoices examdesign exframe example examplep exceltex excludeonly exercise exercisebank exercisepoints exercises exp-testopt expdlist export exsheets exsol extract facsimile factura fancyhandout fancylabel fancynum fancypar fancyslides fancytabs fancytooltips fbox fcolumn fetchcls fewerfloatpages ffslides fgruler fibeamer fifo-stack figsize filecontents filecontentsdef filedate fileinfo filemod fink finstrut fithesis fixcmex fixfoot fixme fixmetodonotes fjodor flabels flacards flagderiv flashcards flashmovie flipbook flippdf floatflt floatrow flowfram fmp fmtcount fn2end fnbreak fncychap fncylab fnpara fnpct fnumprint foilhtml fontaxes fontsetup fontsize fonttable footmisc footmisx footnotebackref footnoterange footnpag forarray foreign forloop formlett forms16be formular fragments frame framed frankenstein frege ftcap ftnxtra fullblck fullminipage fullwidth fundus-calligra fundus-cyr fundus-sueterlin fvextra fwlw g-brief gatherenum gauss gcard gcite gender genmpage getfiledate getitems gindex ginpenc gitfile-info gitinfo gitinfo2 gitlog gitver globalvals gloss glossaries-danish glossaries-dutch glossaries-english glossaries-estonian glossaries-extra glossaries-finnish glossaries-french glossaries-german glossaries-irish glossaries-italian glossaries-magyar glossaries-polish glossaries-portuges glossaries-serbian glossaries-slovene glossaries-spanish gmdoc gmdoc-enhance gmiflink gmutils gmverb grabbox graphbox graphicx-psmin graphicxbox grayhints grfpaste grid grid-system gridset gridslides guitlogo halloweenmath hackthefootline handin handout hang hanging hardwrap harnon-cv harpoon hc he-she hhtensor histogr hitec hletter hobsub hpsdiss hrefhide hvindex hvqrurl hypdvips hyper hyperbar hypernat hyperxmp hyphenat identkey idxcmds idxlayout iffont ifmslide ifmtarg ifnextok ifoddpage ifthenx iitem image-gallery imakeidx import incgraph indextools inline-images inlinedef inputenx inputtrc interactiveworkbook interfaces intopdf inversepath invoice invoice-class invoice2 iso iso10303 isodate isodoc isonums isopt isorot isotope issuulinks iwhdp jlabels jslectureplanner jumplines jvlisting kalendarium kantlipsum kerntest keycommand keyfloat keyreader keyindex keystroke keyval2e keyvaltable kix knowledge koma-moderncvclassic koma-script-sfs komacv komacv-rg ktv-texdata l3build labbook labels labels4easylist labelschanged lastpackage lastpage latex-amsmath-dev latex-base-dev latex-bin-dev latex-graphics-dev latex-tds latex-tools-dev latex-uni8 latexcolors latexdemo latexgit layouts lazylist lccaps lcd lcg leading leaflet lectures leftidx leipzig lengthconvert lettre lettrine lewis lhelp libgreek limap linegoal linop lipsum lisp-on-tex listing listingsutf8 listlbls listliketab listofsymbols lkproof lmake locality localloc logbox logical-markup-utils logpap longfbox longfigure longnamefilelist loops lsc lstaddons lstfiracode lt3graph ltablex ltabptch ltxdockit ltxguidex ltxkeys ltxnew ltxtools lua-check-hyphen luatodonotes macroswap magaz magicnum makecookbook makerobust mailing mailmerge makebarcode makebase makebox makecell makecirc makecmds makedtx makeglos mandi manfnt manuscript manyind marginfit marginfix marginnote markdown mathalpha mathastext mathexam mathfam256 mathfont maybemath mcaption mceinleger mcexam mcite mciteplus mdframed media9 medstarbeamer meetingmins memexsupp memory mensa-tex menu menukeys metalogox metastr method metre mfirstuc mftinc mi-solns midpage minibox minidocument minifp minipage-marginpar minitoc minorrevision minted minutes mla-paper mleftright mlist mmap mnotes moderncv modernposter moderntimeline modref modroman modular monofill moodle moreenum morefloats morehype moresize moreverb morewrites movie15 mparhack mpostinl msc msg mslapa 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anysize attachfile2 booktabs breqn caption cite cmap crop ctable eso-pic euenc euler etoolbox extsizes fancybox fancyref fancyvrb filehook float fontspec footnotehyper fp grffile hologo index infwarerr jknapltx koma-script latexbug l3experimental l3packages lineno listings lwarp mathspec mathtools mdwtools memoir metalogo microtype ms newfloat ntgclass parskip pdflscape pdfpages pdftexcmds polyglossia psfrag ragged2e rcs sansmath section seminar sepnum setspace subfig textcase thumbpdf translator typehtml ucharcat underscore unicode-math xcolor xkeyval xltxtra xunicode collection-latexrecommended
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12many SIstyle SIunits accents alg algobox algorithm2e algorithmicx algorithms algxpar aligned-overset amscdx amstex apxproof autobreak axodraw2 backnaur begriff binomexp biocon bitpattern bohr boldtensors bosisio bpchem bropd bussproofs bussproofs-extra bytefield calculation cascade ccfonts chemarrow chemcompounds chemcono chemexec chemformula chemgreek chemmacros chemnum chemplants chemschemex chemsec chemstyle clrscode clrscode3e codeanatomy commath complexity computational-complexity concmath concrete co
nteq correctmathalign cryptocode delim delimseasy delimset derivative diffcoeff digiconfigs dijkstra drawmatrix drawstack dyntree ebproof econometrics eltex emf endiagram engtlc eqexpl eqnarray eqnnumwarn euclideangeometry extarrows extpfeil faktor fascicules fnspe fouridx functan galois gastex gene-logic ghsystem glosmathtools gotoh grundgesetze gu hep hepnames hepparticles hepthesis hepunits includernw interval ionumbers isomath jkmath karnaugh karnaugh-map karnaughmap kvmap letterswitharrows lie-hasse logicproof longdivision lpform lplfitch lstbayes mathcommand mathcomp mathfixs mathlig mathpartir mathpunctspace matrix-skeleton matlab-prettifier mattens memorygraphs mgltex mhchem mhequ miller mismath multiobjective natded nath nicematrix nuc nucleardata objectz oplotsymbl oops ot-tableau oubraces perfectcut physconst physics physunits pinoutikz pm-isomath polexpr prftree proba proof-at-the-end prooftrees pseudo pseudocode pythonhighlight qsharp rank-2-roots rec-thy rest-api revquantum ribbonproofs rmathbr sasnrdisplay sciposter sclang-prettifier scratchx sesamanuel sfg shuffle simplebnf simpler-wick simplewick siunitx skmath spalign stanli statex statex2 statistics statistik statmath steinmetz stmaryrd structmech struktex substances subsupscripts subtext susy syllogism sympytexpackage synproof t-angles tablor tensind tensor tex-ewd textgreek textopo thmbox turnstile ulqda unitsdef venn witharrows xymtex yhmath youngtab yquant ytableau collection-mathscience
automata bbcard blockdraw_mp bpolynomial cmarrows drv dviincl emp epsincl expressg exteps featpost feynmf feynmp-auto fiziko garrigues gmp hatching latexmp mcf2graph metago metaobj metaplot metapost metapost-colorbrewer metauml mfpic mfpic4ode mp3d mparrows mpattern mpcolornames mpgraphics mptrees piechartmp repere roex roundrect shapes slideshow splines suanpan textpath threeddice collection-metapost
abc autosp bagpipe chordbars chordbox ddphonism figbas gchords gregoriotex gtrcrd guitar guitarchordschemes guitartabs harmony leadsheets latex4musicians lilyglyphs lyluatex m-tx musicography musixguit musixtex musixtex-fonts musixtnt octave piano pmx pmxchords songbook songs xpiano collection-music
adigraph aobs-tikz askmaps asyfig asypictureb autoarea bardiag beamerswitch binarytree blochsphere bloques blox bodegraph bondgraph bondgraphs braids bxeepic cachepic callouts celtic chemfig combinedgraphics circuit-macros circuitikz curve curve2e curves dcpic diagmac2 ditaa doc-pictex dot2texi dottex dratex drs duotenzor dynkin-diagrams ecgdraw eepic ellipse endofproofwd epspdfconversion esk euflag fast-diagram fig4latex fitbox flowchart forest genealogytree getmap gincltex gnuplottex gradientframe grafcet graph35 graphicxpsd graphviz gtrlib-largetrees harveyballs here hf-tikz hobby hvfloat istgame kblocks knitting knittingpattern ladder lapdf latex-make lpic lroundrect luamesh luasseq maker makeshape mathspic milsymb miniplot mkpic modiagram neuralnetwork numericplots pb-diagram penrose petri-nets pgf-blur pgf-cmykshadings pgf-soroban pgf-spectra pgf-umlcd pgf-umlsd pgfgantt pgfkeyx pgfmolbio pgfmorepages pgfopts pgfplots picinpar pict2e pictex pictex2 pinlabel pixelart pmgraph postage prerex productbox ptolemaicastronomy pxpgfmark qcircuit quantikz qrcode randbild randomwalk realhats reotex rviewport sa-tikz schemabloc scsnowman scratch scratch3 setdeck simpleoptics signchart smartdiagram spath3 spectralsequences swimgraf table-fct texdraw ticollege tipfr tikz-3dplot tikz-bayesnet tikz-cd tikz-dependency tikz-dimline tikz-feynhand tikz-feynman tikz-imagelabels tikz-inet tikz-kalender tikz-karnaugh tikz-ladder tikz-layers tikz-nef tikz-network tikz-opm tikz-optics tikz-page tikz-palattice tikz-qtree tikz-relay tikz-sfc tikz-timing tikz-trackschematic tikz-truchet tikzcodeblocks tikzducks tikzinclude tikzlings tikzmark tikzmarmots tikzorbital tikzpagenodes tikzpfeile tikzpeople tikzposter tikzscale tikzsymbols timing-diagrams tqft tkz-base tkz-doc tkz-euclide tkz-orm tkz-tab tsemlines tufte-latex venndiagram visualpstricks xpicture xypic collection-pictures
abbr abstyles apnum autoaligne barr bitelist borceux c-pascal catcodes chronosys colorsep compare cweb-old dinat dirtree docbytex dowith eijkhout encxvlna epigram epsf epsf-dvipdfmx expkv expkv-def fenixpar figflow fixpdfmag fltpoint fntproof font-change fontch fontname gates getoptk gfnotation gobble graphics-pln gtl hlist hyplain insbox js-misc kastrup lambda-lists langcode lecturer letterspacing librarian listofitems mathdots metatex midnight mkpattern modulus multido navigator newsletr nth ofs olsak-misc outerhbox path pdf-trans pitex placeins-plain plainpkg plipsum plnfss plstmary poormanlog present randomlist resumemac ruler schemata shade simplekv swrule systeme tabto-generic termmenu tex-ps tex4ht texapi texdate texinfo timetable tracklang treetex trigonometry ulem upca varisize xii xii-lat xlop yax collection-plaingeneric
auto-pst-pdf bclogo dsptricks makeplot pdftricks pdftricks2 pedigree-perl psbao pst-2dplot pst-3d pst-3dplot pst-abspos pst-arrow pst-am pst-antiprism pst-asr pst-bar pst-barcode pst-bezier pst-blur pst-bspline pst-calculate pst-calendar pst-cie pst-circ pst-coil pst-contourplot pst-cox pst-dart pst-dbicons pst-diffraction pst-electricfield pst-eps pst-eucl pst-exa pst-feyn pst-fill pst-fit pst-fr3d pst-fractal pst-fun pst-func pst-gantt pst-geo pst-geometrictools pst-ghsb pst-gr3d pst-grad pst-graphicx pst-infixplot pst-intersect pst-jtree pst-knot pst-labo pst-layout pst-lens pst-light3d pst-lsystem pst-magneticfield pst-marble pst-math pst-mirror pst-moire pst-node pst-ob3d pst-ode pst-optexp pst-optic pst-osci pst-ovl pst-pad pst-pdgr pst-pdf pst-perspective pst-platon pst-plot pst-poker pst-poly pst-pulley pst-qtree pst-rputover pst-rubans pst-shell pst-sigsys pst-slpe pst-solarsystem pst-solides3d pst-soroban pst-spectra pst-spinner pst-stru pst-support pst-text pst-thick pst-tools pst-tree pst-turtle pst-tvz pst-uml pst-vectorian pst-vehicle pst-venn pst-vowel pst2pdf pstricks pstricks-add pstricks_calcnotes uml vaucanson-g vocaltract collection-pstricks
IEEEconf IEEEtran aastex abnt abntex2 acmart acmconf active-conf adfathesis afparticle afthesis aguplus aiaa ametsoc anufinalexam aomart apa apa6 apa6e apa7 arsclassica articleingud asaetr ascelike asmeconf asmejour aucklandthesis bangorcsthesis bangorexam bath-bst beamer-FUBerlin beamer-verona beilstein bgteubner br-lex brandeis-dissertation brandeis-problemset brandeis-thesis cascadilla cesenaexam chem-journal chs-physics-report cje classicthesis cleanthesis cmpj confproc cquthesis dccpaper dithesis ebook ebsthesis ecothesis ejpecp ekaia elbioimp els-cas-templates elsarticle elteikthesis emisa erdc estcpmm etsvthor facture-belge-simple-sans-tva fbithesis fcavtex fcltxdoc fei ftc-notebook gaceta gammas gatech-thesis gradstudentresume grant gsemthesis gzt h2020proposal hagenberg-thesis har2nat hecthese hep-paper hithesis hitszthesis hitszbeamer hobete hu-berlin-bundle hustthesis icsv ieeepes ijmart ijsra imac imtekda inkpaper iodhbwm iscram jacow jmlr jnuexam jpsj kdgdocs kluwer ksp-thesis ku-template langsci langsci-avm limecv lion-msc llncsconf lni lps matc3 matc3mem mcmthesis mentis mlacls mnras modeles-factures-belges-assocs msu-thesis mucproc mugsthesis musuos muthesis mynsfc nature navydocs nddiss ndsu-thesis novel nwejm nih nihbiosketch nostarch nrc onrannual opteng philosophersimprint pittetd pkuthss powerdot-fuberlin powerdot-tuliplab pracjourn procIAGssymp proposal prtec ptptex quantumarticle resphilosophica resumecls revtex revtex4 rutitlepage ryersonsgsthesis ryethesis sageep sapthesis schule scrjrnl scientific-thesis-cover sduthesis seuthesis seuthesix shortmathj soton sphdthesis spie sr-vorl srdp-mathematik stellenbosch suftesi sugconf tabriz-thesis technion-thesis-template texilikechaps texilikecover thesis-ekf thesis-gwu thesis-qom thesis-titlepage-fhac thuaslogos thucoursework thuthesis timbreicmc tlc-article topletter toptesi tuda-ci tudscr tugboat tugboat-plain turabian tui uaclasses uafthesis uantwerpendocs ucalgmthesis ucbthesis ucdavisthesis ucsmonograph ucthesis uestcthesis uhhassignment uiucredborder uiucthesis ulthese umbclegislation umthesis umich-thesis unam-thesis unamth-template unamthesis unifith unitn-bimrep univie-ling unizgklasa unswcover uothesis urcls uowthesis uowthesistitlepage uspatent ut-thesis utexasthesis uwthesis vancouver xduthesis wsemclassic yathesis yazd-thesis york-thesis collection-publishers
arabxetex awesomebox bidi-atbegshi bidicontour bidipagegrid bidishadowtext bidipresentation businesscard-qrcode cqubeamer fixlatvian font-change-xetex fontbook fontwrap interchar na-position philokalia ptext quran quran-de realscripts simple-resume-cv simple-thesis-dissertation tetragonos ucharclasses unicode-bidi unisugar xebaposter xechangebar xecjk xecolor xecyr xeindex xelatex-dev xesearch xespotcolor xetex xetex-itrans xetex-pstricks xetex-tibetan xetexconfig xetexfontinfo xetexko xevlna collection-xetex
Not everybody needs all of this. The main thing is the texlive-core package with binaries. I, for example, in addition to texlive-core have only basic, bibtexextra, fontsextra, fontsrecommended, fontutils, formatsextra, langcyrillic, langenglish, langgerman, latex, latexextra, latexrecommended, luatex, mathscience, metapost, pictures, plaingeneric, pstricks, publishers, xetex. And, probably, I have never used more than a half of this list.
There has been talks about splitting up the package, getting it to build first would be nice before we start on splitting it?
I’m not sure about that. Ideally we would be able to split the thing in multiple recipes, and each recipe would be a lot easier to manage independently. But I don’t know if texlive sources are distributed in a way that would allow this.
The current very large source download and very long build time makes the recipe simply unmanageable (both for maintainers and for the buildbot) and if there is a way to solve that, updating the smaller recipes would then be easier.
Talks have been around for a while (hence my comment), didn’t have enough time (or for that any one else I gather) to fully investigate how this is done on other OS’s
Thanks to the work from @jmairboeck I now have full TeXLive install from the latest version (32bit, didn’t check 64bit)
This looks very nice! I just checked it on the command line so far (on 64 bit).
It still needs the base package texlive (108.76 Mib) and the texlive_texmf (1.61 GiB) though
Need to check if it works as expected, but got a full build from @jmairboeck PR on 64bit, I presume the recipe will stay disabled as we don’t want the huge packages submitted to haikuports, but as it looks like, we are on par with the latest release for TeXLive
Next step after a merge would try to see how we could split the package into multiple recipes to reduce the size, help is welcome there
What is current status of Texlive on x64? I’ve seen already successful messages and screenshots, I see that related PR has been merged into haikuports. But x64 marked as untested and recipe fails to build packages either. What’s wrong with it? I, personally, don’t care about package size and, maybe, some other maintaining issues.
What is the error?