Ten years From Haiku Localization Manager to Engineer

About 10 years ago, I (aka kurain) am a Haiku hobby.

2009-2011, working on translation the user guide to chinese, and then the developing documents, including Programing with haiku and etc. https://haiku-cn.github.io/文档.html

2011-2013, before graduation, I met my 1st manager and got my first job as an embeded engineer for dvb box from my major as geologic survey. then I got the BeCJK code and ported it to Haiku. https://github.com/HaikuArchives/BeCJK .

2014-2016, I join an open source hardware company, started working on kernel/linux(buildroot, openwrt, ubuntu, opensuse) customizing and adaption for different boards including mtk router chips, allwinner series, and some rockchip series based boards.

2016-now, I am working as a full stack embeded engineer for ivd analyse devices, with much more experiences with kernel, app, driver, qt and so on.

All these start from Haiku os, I wish to help back, you will see.:wink:


Good day @pengphei,

I personally do appreciate the BeCJK port to Haiku, as I end up using it often. With that experience you had with it, it might be a “good task” to improve it and merge it into an Unified Input System, instead of having a Keymap Switcher indicator on one side and the BeCJK indicator on the other… :wink: , having a single input indicator would make things easier for users, so all input methods would be triggered with the same shortcuts?

Good work!

I think that you are already making a difference by helping out with the ARM port :wink: If the Haiku kernel can boot and be stable on ARM that opens up the rest of the OS being available and that is really exciting!


Hello @roiredxsoto.

This could be another start for BeCJK, I will try. More questions about BeCJK, please make contact.

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