I found my old BeOS 4.5 boxed CD set in the attic, and that got me to thinking and doing a bit of research. So, found Haiku, downloaded, burned, and tried it on an old IBM T42 laptop I had hanging around.
To say I was amazed that everything worked is an understatement!! Sound, ethernet… everything!
Great work guys
I won’t lie, I had a bit of fun hunting down the Boot Manager (as just installing Haiku doesn’t make it boot!) but got there in the end,
So, can anyone recommend a PCMCIA wireless card that you know for certain works?
I see there is a new one: r43238. Can anyone confirm that it actually boots up? The last several nightlies I’ve tried refused to boot: in VBox, on bare silicone, anything. I’m on a metered connection and downloading these things is getting costly.
I’ve been running that exact revision for a day now and just finished installing it to my netbook. Finally the intel extreme driver works again nicely on this Samsung NC10 with i945 graphics. HDA sound and Atheros wireless works just like it did before.
Then I went back and looked at what I had done and remembered that you have to write to the raw device and not a partition. slaps hand against head
Changed to of=/dev/disk/usb/1/0/raw and it booted perfectly. Oh well, it had been awhile since I had installed a nightly – forgot an important detail. And boy is it an important detail.
Btw, the boot screen has the Haiku logo back in. Yay!!! The last few nightlies I had tried awhile back were missing the logo during bootup, which was a real bummer.
I did have to do
installoptionalpackage WebPositive
to get WebPositive back on track. Other than that, no problems. Everything seems to be running well.
Incidentally, was something done/fixed with regards to the About System box? It seems to be much faster now. Previously, every time I clicked to bring it up, I had to wait several seconds before it would display – it was getting really slow. Now it’s popping up right away. Much better.