System Sounds: Use MIDI files?

Is it possible to associate System Sounds with MIDI files (as opposed to sound samples like .wav etc) in Haiku?

If so - are there any guides and examples of doing this?

If MIDI is possible - I think that would be a nice feature - since for one it would be possible to generate ‘themes’ automatically - using musical constructions (like Major/Ascending for ‘good’/‘positive’ things , and Minor/Descending etc for ‘bad’/‘negative’ things) - and to adjust the instrumentation/after-effects/keys etc by the user. Also MIDI files are a lot smaller in general than samples.

I’m currently using the R1/Beta5 build on a Compaq Presario CQ56 - the MIDI player works just fine - just not sure how to configure the System Sounds.

Open userguide. Search for sounds. So Deskbar > Preferences > Sounds, “select the event from the list and choose a sound from the pop-up menu below”, “You can use any format that’s supported by the system. If MediaPlayer can deal with it, so can any other program.”


That is wrong. Sound prefs already only accepts audio/ mimetypes and rejects video/



It also means the answer is no, because MediaPlayer (and the media kit in general) does not play MIDI files (you need the separate MidiPlayer for that).


See: System Sounds: Use MIDI files? - #4 by PulkoMandy

The enhancement for consideration is to allow MIDI files to be associated with system events - as an option instead of ‘real’ media files.

Suggested advantages:

  • MIDI files are small.
  • Effects/instrumentation could be altered by users to produce variations - which would make it easier to create themes.
  • Since there often a symmetry to system sounds (USB plugged-in, USB removed, OK, ERROR, startup, shutdown) - this may also speed up design-times (by say, reversing note orders, or changing majors->minors)
  • It might be the sort of thing that draw attention to the Operating System: since it would be a bit different to how other OS’s do it.

We don’t ship any midi fonts by default, so this wouldn’t save any space.

That beeing said there is no reason why this can’t be added imo.


We ship one in the release images.