Stuck windows using CPU

I have 3 windows that can’t be closed. When clicking on close, nothing happens. Top shows that Tracker is using 100% of CPU. Using Tracker to close has no affect. Windows can be moved

Is there a manual way to delete these windows? Rebooting has no affect.


If you are using nightly image, you may want to try out a different version. Some nightly images have bugs in them.

I suggest looking at timeline before downloading an image. You can then spot new tickets and major changes to Haiku to know which versions to avoid getting.

If something just hangs or won’t leave the Deskbar list of running apps - besides being a reportable bug in that application - you can use ProcessController and find the app’s entry under “Threads and CPU usage”. Instead of going to its submenu to change the thread priority, you just click on the item to kill (or debug) the offending thread.

Then there’s always the “Vulcan Death Grip”: SHIFT+CTRL+OPT+ALT and a click on the misbehaving Deskbar entry. Gone.


I am a former UNIX user so I used top to find the bad thread, and kill -9 to get rid of it. ProcessController does not come up. This could be a problem with the Haiku scheduler.

I was hoping to find a user accessible data structure to permanently delete the windows. They come back after reboot.

Humdinger, where is the OPT key on a pc? :slight_smile:

tonestones57, thanks! I’ll start to read the bug logs now.


The OPT key is normally the Win/Super key. Depends on your keymap of course. You can check with the Keymap preferences to see what key lights up the OPT key.

No idea what’s wrong with your re-occurring hanging (Tracker?) windows.
I’m not sure where the setting of open Tracker windows are stored to be re-opened on reboot. Maybe try deleting ~/config/settings/Tracker.

Also try a “checkfs /boot” from Terminal.


Thanks! You get the prize, this worked: “Maybe try deleting ~/config/settings/Tracker”

Getting to know Haiku through Terminal (I.E. underneath the windows) is quite interesting!

  • Andrew

Great you could solve things! Question is what and how did things get corrupted? I don’t know if anyone could (or would) investigate that sort of thing, but next time it may be a good idea to zip up the offending settings/folder before deleting it and to create a ticket in the butracker.

I know, frustration and the eventual thrill of things working again let’s one forget that… :slight_smile:


It could have been caused when I installed the nightly from 1/31 on top of the Alpha R1. But I’m not positive. If it happens again I will zip up the folders and submit a ticket.

  • Andrew

Possible. Tracker settings were extended for Michael Lotz’ (fantastic) type-ahead filtering.
