I just wanted to update my Haiku-laptop from hrev58477-1 to hrev58543-1, but SoftwareUpdater fails with a “Updates did not complete. Failed to download package haiku” message.
Any ideas how to fix it?
I just wanted to update my Haiku-laptop from hrev58477-1 to hrev58543-1, but SoftwareUpdater fails with a “Updates did not complete. Failed to download package haiku” message.
Any ideas how to fix it?
try with “pkgman full-sync” in the terminal, this will give more usefull output.
But this could just be another package server problem
100% haiku-r1~beta5_hrev58543-1-x86_64.hpkg [37.29 MiB]
Checksum error:
*** expected ‘5d53077df24f5ebe906a70ca5ca306fa2d03fc5f90805dadeaba4c207484ecff’
*** got ‘6fb121a8330b2e5476eb0de3bd74a4065fcc36f66b5a6b9a420ea5e0b8f8f493’*** Failed to download package haiku: Bad data
pkgman full-sync → Server issue?
Delete all files and directories in the administrative directory – /boot/system/packages/administrative . And retry updating packages.
don’t do that. You will delete all previous states…
Tried it again today, and the update to hrev58546-1 worked just fine