SoB New member: miqlas

Welcome to the team - Thanks for the support!

This is good stuff, another new member.

What really makes me happy is that we’re actually up to 38 people now, however not all active at the moment. I would very much like for Minbari to come back as he did some major contributions.

There is also a lot of people back to 0 production which is very unfortunate =(. I’ve heard before that on BeOS the system runs unstable with SoB. Is that the reason you guys produce at the moment? If so, this is important as it might improve chances to get the SoB client more functional.

HaiCube wrote:
There is also a lot of people back to 0 production which is very unfortunate =(. I've heard before that on BeOS the system runs unstable with SoB. Is that the reason you guys produce at the moment? If so, this is important as it might improve chances to get the SoB client more functional.

Yeah, I’d like to hear how many are crunching on BeOS/Zeta right now…

I’ll admit that I am not currently :frowning: Once I have everything moved off my PIII 600, however, I believe I’ll dedicate it to Haiku/BeOS and possibly set it up to crunch SoB using the BeOS client.

HaiCube wrote:
I would very much like for Minbari to come back as he did some major contributions.

Heh, that reminds me – in less than a week, I stand a good chance of passing him up and becoming #2 on the team roster :smiley:

He better hurry back if he wants to keep his place :wink:

Oops, I just realized our newest member’s name was miqlas (with a Q) – corrected the topic title, sorry for the mistake :wink: