Small browsers

Build completed yesterday, but crashes on launch, I could grab a bug report and maybe so Terminal output to put up on haikuports issue tracker?

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Since you replied to 3dEyes, I’m guessing you are referring to LadyBird and not Themis? A partial quote would have clarified this. Anyway, thanks for trying to build it, whichever one it was.

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I thought that was obvious :wink: and yes, was for Ladybird :wink:

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@dcatt Themis’ link was brought up by @PulkoMandy earlier in the thread. How much do you know about it? Does it use native GUI layouts as done in Haiku or is it just out-of-date BeOS source?

@PeterW I like modularity like NetSurf has also. Should we try to mix and match with other browsers listed in this thread if the licenses permit?

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I think mixing the libs into other projects would be a benefit for everyone. But I’m not gonna do that myself because that would over-stretch my coding skills.

It would be good if the libs had their own repos. Of course that would mean more hazzle for the end-user (gathering and/or building the libs before they can install the browser.) But Gimp for example released Gtk independently, too.


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I just happened to remember that project when it got its start from WAY back. The guy who started was really motivated at the time. May be worth reaching out to him to see what he’s up to these days.

Does Haiku have something like WebView component like in Android, where you can make simple app with url and load this web site? in Haiku-BeOS world call it translator, WebView translator? usefull for instant web apps ? :smiley:

No. There is no such translator yet that I’m aware of. It might be handy to have an HTML translator that BBCode and Markdown can inherit from though.

Themis main target is BeOS, so it does not use any Haiku extensions. Or at least that was the state it was in last time I saw it (probably 2010-ish, being worked on on an early Pentium I laptop running BeOS)

That’s also one thing using HaikuWebKit will allow. However, the WebKitLegacy API makes it complicated because this API is very invasive: if you want to use BWebView, you also need BWebApp and BWebWindow. So, if you want to make a “web app”, that would reasonably work, but if you just want to render some HTML in some place in your app, it would not be so good. I think WebKit2 will also help a little with that.

But… why would you want Web Apps? Native apps are so much better :sunglasses:


Very much agreed but a proper BWebView would be useful for email apps, documentation apps, a Markdown app, maybe an alternative Haiku app store which uses more HTML (which is maybe one of the few good cases for an HTML interface.)


Why not just use regular HTML page? And some special protocol for installing packages like hpkg://. I see no meaning in wrapping HTML page with application.


That is true. I suppose I have spent too much time lately using Apple products.

I still think the other examples are a good reason to have a relatively easy to use BWebView or whatever we call it. When I work on our WebKit port I will certainly investigate some of this.

Yes, mail application, various document viewers are fair use cases of web view.


I think using netsurf apis for that makes more sense, webkit is nice for a full webviee, for everything else its kinda overkill

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Yes, especially for email I am a bit uncomfortable with letting any email I receive run arbitrary javascript and possibly access a lot of stuff on my system. NetSurf would have more confidence from me there since it does no JavaScript at all by default, or it can be enabled but it is for now a very limited implementation.


On a side note: mail already has, or is supposed to have html email support.

Maybe this can be removed in favor of a netsurf based implementation, and enabled so it actually works.

The dictionary implementation in mail also is a good example of something that should not be there.

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That’s not really HTML support, it’s an extremely simplified HTML-to-text filter so that HTML only email end up mostly human readable. Escape sequences like é are replaced with corresponding UTF8 chars, html tags are stripped or replaced with newlines.

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There is also interesting netsurf fork named neosurf: GitHub - CobaltBSD/neosurf: A NetSurf fork with various improvements

@3dEyes tried to compile it with sslv1 and it works. Hope Gersim will add it to ports.


That benchmark is months old.