Ah, ok. But the browser using the engine has small source code, or? But actually you are right, a program using a big and complicated engine isn’t small.
I think my favourite project to try to hack is Netsurf. Unfortunately the Netsurf crew wasn’t very helpful (Falkon crew wasn’t, too). But I don’t need the original admins to improve the software.
Edit: I found out that there is Arora. But it uses WebKit 1 I think. So it’s both a bit outdated and kind of big I think. I like Netsurf’s code design the best anyways.
Edit2: I found Otter. Same issue as Falkon.
(The thread suggestion on these forums is weird. When I view the same thread two times there are different threads recommended for me!)
The Netsurf team is quite small, what did you ask them? And where? There’s still an IRC channel on LiberaChat, but you’d have to be patient. Most devs are in UK so depending on your own timezone…
I’m very interested in the Serenity browser,too.
They have a own rendering engine which if pretty rare these days with the web becoming more bloated every day and unlike Netsurf,Serenity developers work very actively on it.
I really didn’t expect that it would be easy to port that to another OS,however.
I’ll definitely give that a try if someone can point me to a package or recipe (compiling myself is not a problem)