Sis m741 driver?

Does anyone know of a working sis m741 video driver?

I’ve got an averatec 2600 with this chip in it. I loaded Be on it and in the debug booting it says that the App_Server crashed since no driver could be found. It also hangs when it hits my wireless nic but I can turn that off.

inseculous wrote:
Does anyone know of a working sis m741 video driver?

I’ve got an averatec 2600 with this chip in it. I loaded Be on it and in the debug booting it says that the App_Server crashed since no driver could be found. It also hangs when it hits my wireless nic but I can turn that off.

I suspect you’re gonna be waiting for a while. Last I heard, SiS has not been very forthcoming about releasing specs for their hardware.

Someone was working on an SiS 630/730 driver - possibly based on the reverse-engineered driver available for Linux, but I don’t think it’s in any state to be used in BeOS yet.

The linux SiS driver maintainer I’m familiar with can be seen here: - it looks like the 741 may be part of the "315 series" (with a device id of 0x6330 ?).

Try using spacebar before BeOS boots to select a VESA mode resolution for boot. This should allow you to boot - as it does on my SiS 630-based machine.

thanks for the tips. Now it’s getting to sysinit2: 31 and saying Fault (6) not handled. the line above is:

6: invalid opcode occured at eip = ec0618db

the two lines above that were starting the system bootscript and loading libroot

not sure what to make of this. I also disabled DMA, bios call and multi processor support.

inseculous wrote:
thanks for the tips. Now it's getting to sysinit2: 31 and saying Fault (6) not handled. the line above is:

6: invalid opcode occured at eip = ec0618db

yikes, sounds like a processor-compatibility problem!

Are you using BeOS Max Edition 3.1b1? (it already has the AMD Athlon patch applied)

I’d be curious if Haiku boots as it has more modern CPU/hardware support, but getting it installed on the HD without BeOS/Zeta already installed would be a challenge right now, so you may have to wait until a cd-based installer is available to test it.

Been trying to avoid it since there is a stigma but I’m trying dano since it’s has more compatablility out of the box. I’ve tried Max; Develop; PE; Standard and Zeta. Been Busy :slight_smile: This is a “reinstalled” dano that I have running on another machine. It used to be the same one that was on a duel(sp) Athlon system that went south. It already has the Athlon patch and a couple of haiku driver replacements on it. I used to build and test all the time.

My processor is a mobile AMD Athlon XP-M 2400+
512MB ram PC2700

I’m gonna try and build haiku on the Be system and install it over to this hard drive. Wish me Luck :slight_smile:

umccullough wrote:
inseculous wrote:
thanks for the tips. Now it's getting to sysinit2: 31 and saying Fault (6) not handled. the line above is:

6: invalid opcode occured at eip = ec0618db

yikes, sounds like a processor-compatibility problem!

Are you using BeOS Max Edition 3.1b1? (it already has the AMD Athlon patch applied)

I’d be curious if Haiku boots as it has more modern CPU/hardware support, but getting it installed on the HD without BeOS/Zeta already installed would be a challenge right now, so you may have to wait until a cd-based installer is available to test it.

There are of course the live CD images on BeBits that everyone has to stay really really quiet about. That said, they’ve worked fine (by fine I mean the desktop has loaded and can be navigated around, haven’t looked into sound or anything outside the most basic of functionality) on two out my three machines, one of them an old AMD K6-400 with 192MB with a motherboard and video card that are a total mystery to me and the other a Sempron 2300+ with 256MB of RAM, a WinFast motherboard and SiS m741 video. I do have to select 1024x768 @ 16-bit (other colour depths might work, I haven’t investigated) by holding down the space bar on the more modern machine though. Considering BeOS absolutely refuses to install on either of the two means I’m pretty impressed at this stage. I do get some funny scanlines on the SiS-based machine but a bit of tweaking would probably get rid of them. Either way it’s usable though.

By the way, I know the live CD image on BeBits that we’re not supposed to talk about is a month or so out of date, but I think (not that I have tried myself yet) that if you toss out the old haiku.image that’s included for a newer one from the build factory or haikuhost it should work and mean you’re up-to-date which is nice. The only catch is that Installer doesn’t really seem to work at the moment, but maybe someone can figure out a work-around for that.

Dirty Harry wrote:
There are of course the live CD images on BeBits that everyone has to stay really really quiet about.

Oh, by all means, use those to test with if they work! I completely forgot that there was the additional image provided there as well.

I was going to put together a script that would optionally generate the CDs as part of the image build process (using the late-user-script feature), but I’ve talked to a couple people now that would like that to not yet happen - so I guess that’s on hold.