Showimage - can't it be more like Xee?

I’m a bit disappointed with the default image viewer in Haiku. Images should be shown in their original sizes by default with no black border. Window size should fit the image, not the other way around. Animations should be shown animated, not just a static first frame. Controls should take up minimal space.

I suggest that the default Haiku image viewer should be more like Xee on the Mac (the best simple image viewer I’ve ever used):

The source code is available for download.

I know there are many more important things to worry about fixing in Haiku, but I hope somebody can look into this eventually.

Black is a problem?

Window size is an option, change it with the menus and it will stay that way.

There are animation viewers available, by chance do you have the skills to merge the animation code in? Animation GIFs would be nice indeed.

Note: the program you give as an example has a source code size of 7.2MB, that is not a lightweight image viewer. Even with data translators a Haiku version would be a lot of work.

[quote=Earl Colby Pottinger]
Note: the program you give as an example has a source code size of 7.2MB, that is not a lightweight image viewer. Even with data translators a Haiku version would be a lot of work.[/quote]

I don’t think this 7.2MiB size is a useful metric. That’s the size of a ZIP file, which contains numerous pre-built library binaries, complete headers for various common libraries, resources and so on. There’s about 30 KLOC in actual Xee source code including format-specific stuff, whereas for contrast ShowImage appears to be about 9 KLOC and Haiku contains a further 35 KLOC of image translator source.

Yes, black is a problem. It looks hacky and unprofessional. It unnecessarily takes up huge amounts of space. If I want to tile a bunch of images on the desktop (say, for comparison), I don’t want all that useless black taking up space, forcing me to resize windows to get rid of it.

You mean the “Stretch to Window” option? I don’t want to stretch the image. I want the window to fit the image. That’s how the BeOS Showimage worked.

Now that I think of it… that’s all I really want: BeOS Showimage, but with the new magnify (window size should change to match new image size), flip through images in a folder and possibly the ability to show animations.

The size of images from a digital camera often exceed the size of the screen. Showing only a part of the image by default doesn’t sound like desired behavior to me.

That’s not the desired behaviour. Showimage should be like Xee in that case. If the image is larger than the screen, it should be resized to fit the screen (with window fitting image, no black).

Really, this is not a difficult concept.